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What is your favorite strike?

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  • #61
    My favorite strike is the ridge hand not because it's the most effective just because the first time i ever used it in a fight. i landed one at the tip of this guys chin and knocked him on his ass. The look on his face was like where the hell did that come from. PS i was only defending myself the guy tried to punch me in the back of the head.


    • #62
      My favorite strike wasn't listed so I didn't vote... I'll leave ya all to wonder?

      I like most of them but my bread and butter is open handed striking. And throwing.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Tant01
        My favorite strike wasn't listed so I didn't vote... I'll leave ya all to wonder?
        ......cmon man ......sniff..... ....give up your secrets...


        • #64
          Originally posted by bvermillion
          I am just trying to get a good conversation started. I personally like the backfist.
          Just a quick Q here. Do you lunch your backfist from your shoulder or you just lunch it form whereever??

          BTW I vote for the side kick!!


          • #65
            Single: Axe kick, a great way to drop someones guard, also if it lands on top of a persons head, even better

            Combo: Axe kick>Front kick(same leg)>Knee Strike with Elbow Strike

            I've taken a few people out with that one.


            • #66
              i see i am not the only one partial to bringing up old threads!!! Rouse house for me, why? because its simple, extremely powerful and fast.


              • #67
                Originally posted by sirmattu
                it doesn't sound like a very effetive technique, but i've never seen it done before.
                There was a video on these forums a while back, not sure where its gone now, but it was an TKD tourney in N.Korea supposedly, showed the most effective use of the "tornado" (c'mon theres gotta be a name for it less "Mortal Kombat than that!) kick I've seen in a long time.

                I would only use it against another martial artist expecting me to back kick or some such, but it does generate a load of power.

                Favourite strike? Side kicks, loads of 'em!


                • #68
                  Could someone answer my Q please


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by foofies
                    Could someone answer my Q please
                    okay, i prefer not to eat (lunch) backfist at all....

                    jusy kidding man....i throw them from wherever.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by BoarSpear
                      okay, i prefer not to eat (lunch) backfist at all....

                      jusy kidding man....i throw them from wherever.

                      Hehehehe at least you knew wot i was trying to say.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by foofies
                        Just a quick Q here. Do you lunch your backfist from your shoulder or you just lunch it form whereever??
                        From wherever. They're less telegraphed that way. BTW I prefer hitting with the bottom of the fist (hammerfist) to hard targets - if you miss with a backfist and slam the back of your hand into someone's skull For targets like the side of the neck (carotid whatsit [brachial plexus?]) I prefer to strike with the ulna.

                        My favourite strike - inward horizontal elbow to the mandible.


                        • #72

                          Originally posted by BoarSpear
                          ......cmon man ......sniff..... ....give up your secrets...

                          You know, the good stuff that's not on his list of things to vote for.

                          "open handed" striking? That should be a clue. Head butts...?

                          Throw a knee? That's what I'm talking about> Just a distraction or a bit of pain to take them off balance a bit.

                          Close the gap.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Tant01
                            You know, the good stuff that's not on his list of things to vote for.

                            "open handed" striking? That should be a clue. Head butts...?

                            Throw a knee? That's what I'm talking about> Just a distraction or a bit of pain to take them off balance a bit.

                            Close the gap.
                            HEHEHE my thoughts exactly


                            • #74
                              I think hook kick is up there twice.


                              • #75
                                I'm going to go with elbow strikes.

