Hey, how's that for a coincidence? I've been in the Security Industry for 5 1/2 years. Seeing how the side thrust kick comes from the back leg (as I was taught anyway), rotates around the vertical axis of the body for around 90 degrees, then thrusts out, I found it too slow and cumbersome for practical usage. Great if you've got time, but my personal feeling is that speed is of the essance, in order to deal with the usual multiple opponents that are likely to be involved.
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What is your favorite strike?
aaah! that's it!
Cue ball, We are talking about differen't kicks then. the one i am refering to is a side kick with the front leg with a step or skip in thrusting movment with the back. We call the one you are refering to as a side kick w/the back leg.And, yes i agree it is slow! It is a lot faster tho,if you do it out of a shallow boxing stance,.As compared to a back,or front stance.I do alot of boxing,and Muay Thai. So it all blends together now. Nice to see some one in the security field on these boards. keep on,keepin on. Mithios
To block an axe kick 1: Put your head in it's path to rid us of your stupidity. 2: Tell us how it went. Axe kicks were designed to be almost unblockable. Guy Incognito's crescant kick is about the only possible defence, even then the timing would have to be perfect.
Best defence against an axe kick? DON'T BE WHERE IT IS!!!
Stepping Side Kick (ITF
I have found a greatly useful combination that has worked for me several times in real life altercations.
From a free moving stance (boxing-fighting stance), deliver a lead hand thrust (obverse) punch or backfist towards the face (normally brings up the hands opening up the ribs) deliver the stepping side kick to the open target!
Worst case scenario I have incountered, my foe did not react as I had hoped...so he got punched in the face!
Remember, this kick is most effective as a pelvic region kick...(all TKD is not high, spinning, and flashy...simple works best!)
TAEKWON! (Oh Do Kwan)
Registered User
- Feb 2003
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The law of tyranny:
1. Any power that can be abused will be abused
2. Abuse always expands to fill the limits of resistance to it.
3. If people don't resist the abuses of others, they will have no one to resist the abuses of themselves, and tyranny will prevail.
Welcome to the Socialist States of Amerika . Coming soon Jan 20th 2009!
Originally posted by TameoI have trouble blocking axe kicksCan anyone give me some advise on how to block them?
I have also just step in and shoved them. By stepping into close range the foot will miss and even if he brings the foot down before you knock him off his feet only the calf will hit and no damage done. This takes quickness and good timing otherwise you'll be on the floor.
Or just move to the side with a half step let the kick miss you then close for the kill.