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Who's in ATA?

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  • Who's in ATA?

    Just wondering how many of you guys either teach or attend class at an ATA school. (I do for those of you who don't know)

  • #2
    what is it?


    • #3
      Originally posted by m.artist
      what is it?
      ATA is the American Taekwondo Association. Check out the website for official info.


      • #4
        oh ok thx...nice website


        • #5
          yea its cool


          • #6
            Excessive Force is an instructor in the ATA. I am a student in the ATA.


            • #7

              I was in ATA for about 3 years several years ago. It seemed like a large-scale McDojang organization, but there are some schools in the organization with good reputations.


              • #8
                Originally posted by bvermillion
                Excessive Force is an instructor in the ATA. I am a student in the ATA.

                yeah he told me....
                cool. How long have you attended class there?


                • #9
                  just for the record...I've attended an ATA school on and off for three years...on and off bein an understatement...

                  I'm a red belt, hopefully soon to be black belt


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Green Ranger
                    yeah he told me....
                    cool. How long have you attended class there?

                    I trained in the ata hard for a year and then I went on to better things. For about the last 6 months I havent really devoted alot of time to the ATA due to moving. I just recently relocated to Great Lakes Naval Station. There is an ATA school about 10 mins from my house I went and took class and was very disappointed. I had heard alot of ATA schools sucked but had never experienced that until now. I am prolly still going to train here when I can so I can go ahead and move up and get my blackbelt. I am currently a purple belt. My first class I sparred this little mexican black belt that was pretty good but not great. But everyone after that just sucked. I am not the best or nothing but these guys were pitiful they didn't even give me a run for my money. Now the instructor was an awesome technician. He had perfect technique. His name was Master Whiteman. He only holds class once a week but is very low priced so I will be able to afford taking class with him and training at another school close by.


                    • #11
                      Found out I'm testin for black in May...bout time.


                      • #12
                        Bout time if you go to a McDojo..... on and off again for 3 years? And now testing for black?! Does the knowledge that all you are is a wallet in a white uniform to these people bother you in the slightest or are you really content to buy your rank?

                        Not knocking ATA regardless of what I really think, just think his particular school is a McDojo.

                        Damian Mavis
                        Honour TKD


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Damian Mavis
                          Bout time if you go to a McDojo..... on and off again for 3 years? And now testing for black?! Does the knowledge that all you are is a wallet in a white uniform to these people bother you in the slightest or are you really content to buy your rank?

                          Not knocking ATA regardless of what I really think, just think his particular school is a McDojo.

                          Damian Mavis
                          Honour TKD
                          Buy my rank? Show some respect pal. You need all the facts before you make a statement like that. I wasn't too specific. I've earned this black belt. From training and hardship. Normally at an ATA school it takes about two years for you to get a black belt. I say on and off, but you don't know how long "on and off" means. I've competed and I've attended seminars presented by some of the best martial artist in the world.

                          You know, I thought martial arts taught people to be respectful, curtious, and kind. I gathered that before my first week of training was over. I refuse to be insulted by someone who is clearly not a martial artist. Okay, my school may not be the most sophisticated or severe...but it has a positive enivironment, and some very talented instructors. They saw fromt the start I possesed some powerful skills in the martial arts. I am not just a mindless mass...and I am partially a product of their skill. Do not insult me and do not insult them.

                          I see you are an instructor. I respect you teach skills to aspiring martial artists. I also realize that you are not bashing ATA also. But I know that I am not a uniform. I am skilled in body and mind. I am a martial artist. You may have the skill of technique perfected for all I know, but from what I have seen you are not acting like a martial artist.

                          Yes I can!


                          • #14
                            Geeze, you act like I actually said something bad heh, I said nothing to dishonour myself or cast doubt on my character or ability as a martial artist so get real. 2 years for black belt is insanity, McDojo insanity and it needs to stop. You go on and off for 3 years and get black belt is more insanity. It simply is, it's not an insult it's a fact.

                            Damian Mavis
                            Honour TKD


                            • #15
                              for your school, maybe it is insanity. I don't care as much that you're sayin it is rediculous for me since I've gone on and off...that isn't somethin for me to be proud of. For my instructors to reconize my skills and abililty to learn a form very quickly...and give me an opportunity to accel and shorten the time needed to is a blessing.

                              About my blow to you about being a martial artist, I just hope that you treat your own students with respect. I just know I respect those who learn under a different form. Though ATA may be less demanding than other schools, it is still a respecable martial arts association. I agree some schools probably are Mcdojos.

                              You didn't have the facts about my school though. It is not a McDojo. Our instructors are concerned with the enforcement and learning of the material.

