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are fly kicks useful for self-defence???

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  • are fly kicks useful for self-defence???

    what is everyones opinion on the practicality of fly kicks in general for a
    street fight? i'm referring to those mainly from TKD as i studied this MA in the past.

    I practice Wing Chun at the moment but still can see some of the TKD fly kicks that attack 2 opponents at once working in a street fight. I don't want to start
    another argument about which art is the best.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Hwa Rang
    what is everyones opinion on the practicality of fly kicks in general for a
    street fight? .
    Why would you be fighting with flies?


    • #3
      Nice one. Beat me to it so, unfortunately, I'll have to answer properly.

      No mate, they probably put you in more danger than the person/people attacking you. You are defenceless when in the air and these things are easy to see coming and avoid.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Hwa Rang
        ...some of the TKD fly kicks that attack 2 opponents at once ...

        I would think you wouldn't be able to connect solidly enough to make a difference because the move telegraphs itself too much. - Kicker steps forward, squats slightly, jumps up in the air and thows his kicks. His target(s) go "Whoa!" and flinch back and out of range before he even comes near them. As he lands, the opponent(s) can either charge in while he's still in the process of landing and trash him before he can recover or stand safely out of range and wait for him to try another fancy move. Eventually he tires himself out with all the aerobatics and the opponent(s) step in and own him.


        • #5
          I think everything in the martial arts is useful for defense. Even flying kicks. But hardly ever will there be a chance for you to use a flying kick and make it land effectively. But there could be times and I do think charging at people charging at you and doing a flying side kick or a twin kick that hits 2 guys comming at you would work pretty good. As long as it is pushing the opponents away from you, but you can make so many mistakes and they might be really HUGE and they push YOU back or your legs get pushed back and they get in super close and go in for a take down and punches. Just dont be stupid and dont mess up and only use it when you have a chance like that. Plus make sure the guys attacking you are not huge strong guys who can easily take in a kick to the gut without a flinch.

          Also sneaking up on an enemy is good too. A guy has his back turned and then you do a flying side kick and knock him off of a cliff or tower or a rock or just knock him to the ground and proceed to attack.

          You can do the same with flying punches or elbows or anything. Knees. Thai boxers have good flying knee strikes that are effective.

          Anyway everything in the martial arts is useful, but dont get so cuaght up in demo moves and stupid ballet and just be smart and practice stuff more often that you will use more often.


          • #6
            Everything in the martial arts is certainly not useful. In fact hardly any of it is.


            • #7
              Osopardo, fly kicks can be non telegraphic to a certain degree. Some fly kicks are executed from stand still with out a run up ie if there are two opponents at either side of a TKD guy he could jump up and kick them both doing a 2 direction kick. Also you are not supposed to squat before doing a fly kick. Andrew WA, I agree with your opinion but don't you recon there are a lot of power in fly kicks to be also useful against big guys if you do the kicks correctly.

              Thai Bri, I agree that these kicks are a bit risky to pull of as they are committed so they would be foolish to use if the opponents have knives or poles. I recon though, that if the kick is fast and snappy, then they won't be able to catch your kicks, otherwise you'd be in trouble. I also would never use a spinning fly kick in a street fight. I favour mainly the twin jumping front snap kick and the two direction kick. I also believe that a good double flying side kick with both legs would take out a big guy.


              • #8
                IMO, flying kicks are totally ineffective unless they are used for surprise or finishing strikes. In all of my fights, save a couple, I've never used flying kicks as they do leave you open for counter, or even get caught for locks(we've had guys try to jump spin kick in a middle of a spar and the master catches them in the air and lock their legs by the time they hit the floor). Besides, a good TKD person should know this, it is only effective when used surprisingly, though it can be tidious because of long prep time. Don't be discouraged from using flying kicks, they're good, especially to practice jumping, just that we have to use them wisely or none at all.


                • #9
                  So these guys can jump without telegraphing can they? Don't they need to bend at the knees first then?

                  Jump about all you want. But the fact the the rules of various sports disallow grabbing the leg doesn't mean that the average evil thug wont charge you down and kick your backside.

                  No offence intended.


                  • #10
                    Thats occurred to me many times also. People post for the VERY FIRST TIME defending the most ridiculous nonsense! Why do so many people believe this appalling rubbish?


                    • #11
                      The only time I've seen them used effectively is on Kung Fu movies when everyone is flying through the air 50 feet above ground exchanging blows. In that instance they seem to work well. You can levitate 50 feet above ground right?


                      • #12
                        I have only witnessed one flying kick used successfully. It was against an opponent looking the other way at another opponent.


                        • #13
                          ...and, of course, just about any hard strike would have worked. The attacker could have done a somersault, made himself a plate of chips and then hit the guy with the frying pan in those circumstances.


                          • #14
                            I'm open to be corrected, but I remember a UFC event where Caol Uno tried a flying kick at B.J. Penn. Penn simply stepped aside and subsequently knocked out Uno. Did anyone else see or remember that match? It was a perfect illustration of the lack of effectiveness of flying kicks.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by HandtoHand
                              Same reason rich suburban kids want to be "gangsta's"; Media, and Human stupidity.
                              you know you love eminem

