ok iv been doing TKD for six months and obviously i have a lot more to learn but i was just wondereing wheather or not it was worth me starting a second martial art as well as TKD or should i concentrate on TKD only until iv been doing it a couple of years. i just want the opinion of anyone with experience in multiple martial arts.
my instructor says i should wait, let myself improve in TKD then if i want to take up a second martial art. But my mate who has done TKD for over 4 years and tae jitsu for a year and a half says he wishes he had started tae jitsu sooner rather than waiting.
-is this in the wrong place?... if it is sorry-
my instructor says i should wait, let myself improve in TKD then if i want to take up a second martial art. But my mate who has done TKD for over 4 years and tae jitsu for a year and a half says he wishes he had started tae jitsu sooner rather than waiting.
-is this in the wrong place?... if it is sorry-