Anyone ever use it TKd in streetfight?
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TKD in a streetfight
Not sure about Officer and a gentleman, but Kata is not an effecient way to train for a street fight.
I've used TKD on the Street as have several of my students to good effect.
One student took on a knife wielding opponent and was able to disable him and leave without being cut (a great victory agianst a knife)
I've seen a few people get stomped too.
I to have used TKD to proect my rear end...I do security work. The real fight is not in securing a facility or an individual, but rather when you run into a security threat after the the gas station, market, or your porch at 3:00 am on the way in from work!
I attribute TKD a means (afforded by many TMA's) to the end!
Originally posted by Thai BriI'm sure there is effective TKD about, just like effective Karate. But it is as rare as rocking horse shit.
Originally posted by Tee SokCan you tell me about it? I never heard that TKD has close range techniques!
In my school, we teach locks and breaks to most joints, knees and elbow strikes in case, ground fighting when someone throws you down, crouch fighting (no one ever uses that nowadays though), simple throws and, my favorite "fatality," groin strikes.
I think the execution of a punch is pretty much universal, You can only throw them so many ways. (I used terminology that everyone seems to understand)
Rising fist of death,
or schmuck beater
may be catchy names but people wouldn't really have a clue what you are talking about
I figured using boxing terminology would be better.
Same way around here If I say thai elbow everyone would know what I meant even though that is not what we call them.
Or teep, instead of front thrust.
so, yes TKD has close range techniques, now whether they are being taught correctly at a given school or not is a totally different question.
Thanks! I ' ve always seen TKD as a martial art having many kicking techniques but lacking effective punching techniques. I didn' t know it has elbow and knee techniques too; were these added later? Never heard about blocks and throws either....maybe these are derived from Hapkido??