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high ranks to quick

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  • high ranks to quick

    I would just like to know everyones stance on instructors holding high ranks(dans) when they r still quite young. For instance i know of one guy who holds the rank of 8th degree in tkd and he would be no older than 40. i think more around 35? to me this is crazy but i would love to hear how everyone else feels about it.

  • #2
    Just a thought...

    Dear Sir,

    To the best of my knowledge men such as Kong Young Il, Park Jung Tae, and Park Jung Soo were around the same age when they were awarded (earned) the same rank...

    Based on this, I believe that through devotion and hard work, these ranks are achievable at the age in question...

    Also, we all know that rank promotion as a whole generally comed without the hardwork and knowledge required for the true Dan holder. However, as with the gentlemen listed above, it is not the number on the certificate, but rather the ability of the practitioner, the men mentioned above were undeniably deserving of the rank!



    • #3
      spook, but dont u think its wierd that the guy who created this system is only 1 dan ahead of them? i would feel weird wearing a belt with that many dans and knowing the man who created tkd is only 1 dan away. theres no way i could say i know pretty much as much as him. i thought the dan promo would have a bit to do with experience aswell.


      • #4


        Sir, having seen these men preform, they appear more than experienced to me.

        After all, these ranks were given by the Founder of Taekwon-Do...being that he knows more than others, I believe that his assesment of ones ability would be far greater than mine as well. Therefore, I would trust the validity of those ranks to the man that awarded them.

        After all, I feel that the knowledge of Gen. Choi would be far greater than 9 times that of mine, but I also believe that with almost 13 years of experience I just about qualify to hold my rank...humbly!



        • #5
          I don't really like rank all together as I believe it is an ego boost and can give you false confidence. In relation to instructors being young and having high ranks I think it is absolute B.S. A mate of mine that used to do WTF had an instructor that was 19 and already 3rd dan! I think that this is Mc Dojo material and I believe that if someone is going to claim they are a fighting instructor they need many years of MA experience coupled with street experience or Security Industry experience to back it up.


          • #6
            An experience Martial Artist can smell a fraud a mile away.


            • #7
              Martial Arts and Fraud

              Daer All,

              I agree completely, a true martial artist can smell a fraud quicky...

              The problem with stereotyping rank and age is that some of these younger high ranking instructors are legit. There are instructors out there that were full time martial artists in either the military or college. These guys are BB's at age 15 and then by age 18 are training more than forty hours a week training.
              Figure that the average school takes 3-5 years to achieve a black belt at maybe 6 hours a week...approximately 1400 hours...the full time martial artist is puuting in that much time in less than a year!

              On the other hand, many instructors hold high rank and have neither the hours invested or the ability for their rank...

              Based on the ability of a younger individual to hold legitimate rank as well as the ability for undeserving individuals to hold the same rank, we must determine the ranks value on the ability of the individual!



              • #8
                Originally posted by Hardball
                An experience Martial Artist can smell a fraud a mile away.

                Amen.........However, its the inexperienced that get suckered in and they are the most common


                • #9
                  the thing is my instructor has been training since he was 11. hes 37 now and is a great instructor. he lives tkd. especially our system. he trains and runs classes mon to fri ( nights coz he has to earn a living still working) he is proficient in all aspects of tkd. he fit, strong, technique is at its best and is his heads in the right place. he is also a 3rd degree. i have no problem with that, as does he. the thing is when i hear of these guys around the same age and have been training for the same amount of time wearing a belt with 8 dans on it puzzles me. there is no way u should eva be ranked in the same league as your master. for he is prob.around 40yrs older than u and has been teaching and training for prob. 40yrs longer. my instructor feels privalged to be a 3rd degree. and would feel ridiculas to stand along side our master and be only 1 dan away from his grade.
                  ive seen these young guys with 8th degrees in action,and they r definaetly good but its nothing new i dont see from my instructor. they dont do any special magical moves which makes them so much higher ranked. obviously different schools have different ranking systems and the dans might be given out quicker than others but i still think there a line which shouldnt be crossed a certain amount of respect shown towards your master. general choi was known as a grand master. but these guys are practically the same rank as him. it takes a life time to master anything. are these guy already there by training for 20 something yrs??

