When you TKD people are kicking the heavy bag do you wear shoes? Do you have any advice? I have trouble when I round kick the heavy bag while wearing shoes. If I'm barefoot I can kick with the instep without a problem. When I wear shoes and I kick with the instep it bother my ankle. If I hit with the ball of my foot I jam my toes, I don't think my toes are flexible enough to hit like that. My shoes aren't sturdy enough to hit with the toe either.
I suppose I could just hit with the lower part of my shin kind of like a thai boxer but, since I also practice a thai boxing style shin kick, I would like to keep the snap kick distinct and more savate-like if I can.
When you TKD people are kicking the heavy bag do you wear shoes? Do you have any advice? I have trouble when I round kick the heavy bag while wearing shoes. If I'm barefoot I can kick with the instep without a problem. When I wear shoes and I kick with the instep it bother my ankle. If I hit with the ball of my foot I jam my toes, I don't think my toes are flexible enough to hit like that. My shoes aren't sturdy enough to hit with the toe either.
I suppose I could just hit with the lower part of my shin kind of like a thai boxer but, since I also practice a thai boxing style shin kick, I would like to keep the snap kick distinct and more savate-like if I can.