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Trouble round kicking with shoes

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  • Trouble round kicking with shoes


    When you TKD people are kicking the heavy bag do you wear shoes? Do you have any advice? I have trouble when I round kick the heavy bag while wearing shoes. If I'm barefoot I can kick with the instep without a problem. When I wear shoes and I kick with the instep it bother my ankle. If I hit with the ball of my foot I jam my toes, I don't think my toes are flexible enough to hit like that. My shoes aren't sturdy enough to hit with the toe either.

    I suppose I could just hit with the lower part of my shin kind of like a thai boxer but, since I also practice a thai boxing style shin kick, I would like to keep the snap kick distinct and more savate-like if I can.

  • #2
    What kind of shoes are you using? Sounds like you are not using martial arts shoes. I've never heard of anyone having a problem while using martial arts shoes. They aren't expensive, so I would suggest you pick some up. Solid my brotha.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Daddy_Cool
      What kind of shoes are you using? Sounds like you are not using martial arts shoes. I've never heard of anyone having a problem while using martial arts shoes. They aren't expensive, so I would suggest you pick some up. Solid my brotha.
      I do have a pair of those martial arts shoes but I usually wear sneakers, it seems to be about the same either way. I was hoping I wouldn't have to wear a special kind of shoe to kick effectively.

      Right now I've been stretching my toes back to try to increase flexibility and also lightly kicking the heavy bag with the ball of my foot in the hopes that my foot will adapt to it.


      • #4

        Kicking with shoes are better in my opinion.

        I can handle more impact.

        No problem with the heel or instep for me.

        And I do not need special martial art shoes.

        You many need to find a more flexible type of footwear.


        • #5
          shoes vs. no shoes

          I fell more comfortable kicking with no shoes on but,I do it both ways.


          • #6
            for me kicking without shoes is more comfortable but I can kick with shoes just as well.
            I dont know any problems you should have with sneakers. maybe you need to stretch your ankles???
            I hope this helped.


            • #7
              Sounds like you just need more stretching in your ankles.

              I can kick in MA shoes, my sneakers, or my dress shoes. It's all the same if you have enough flexibility. You just need more flexibility.


              • #8
                Originally posted by aku aku

                When you TKD people are kicking the heavy bag do you wear shoes? Do you have any advice? I have trouble when I round kick the heavy bag while wearing shoes. If I'm barefoot I can kick with the instep without a problem. When I wear shoes and I kick with the instep it bother my ankle. If I hit with the ball of my foot I jam my toes, I don't think my toes are flexible enough to hit like that. My shoes aren't sturdy enough to hit with the toe either.

                I suppose I could just hit with the lower part of my shin kind of like a thai boxer but, since I also practice a thai boxing style shin kick, I would like to keep the snap kick distinct and more savate-like if I can.
                You want to be in my postion where the bone of my foot is risen to the surface of the skin due to when i snapped it playing hockey lol but to answer your question i've only just started to wear Martial Art shoes during training and i find my formation of Heel Kicks, Axe Kicks Turning Kicks are better but it disguises whether or not your using the foot sword so its ok during training but during any competitions or gradings i would say always go barefoot


                • #9
                  I would say if you're expecting to be attacked on the street, train privately in the shoes you would wear most often, then you'll be ready.

                  Whilst we are on the note of shoes, yesterday in a rugby match I was playing in some motherfu**er thought it would a good idea to punch me in the face repeatedly when I went to ground with the ball. I do TKD and was wearing steel toe-capped, fully studded rugby boots at the time, if I had lost my temper I could of done some awful damage to this arsehole. Just a thought I had on the way back from the match.


                  • #10
                    This is gunna sound weird, but I kick trees and I've found wrestling shoes have ample toe and instep proctection for me to kick a tree. So if I were you I'd grab a pair of wrestling shoes and try em out. If they work for me, they should work for you, you're only kicking a heavy bag.


                    • #11
                      Listen the best thing to do for training is always traing barefoot, even outside. Kick your bag barefoot because it makes your foot stronger and the sweat dries and makes a callous. Its good!! Kick trees as well! I do this and also kick light poles that are sturdy and made of wood and kick with your shins a lot. You will be so strong.
                      I do this but I admit since school I have not had a lot of times to do this enough.
                      Its the same as punching rocks and hard surfaces to get hard hands.

                      But its good to use shoes as well to get the feel of a self defense situation. I have no problem kicking in anything but I hate the TKD shoes they make. They are so anoying on my feet and pull on my foot muscles and injure me. They also do not have enough traction.
                      They need to make a more street worthy TKD shoe with sturdier toes to cause more strong impact and damage on the enemy.

                      Anyway so strech your ankle role it a lot sitting down with your hand in circles both ways. Also sit on your knees and lean back on your insteps all the way back to where you are laying down with your legs under your back and strech the insteps back. Also sit on your knees and point your toes into the floor or mat and strech them into position. YOu can also walk on your toes in your house or every so often put your toes into the floor and push on them. This will help your front kicks if using the toe to strike and it will also help your impact on your instep if your kicking the groind and it will help from keeping hyperextension from happening. Also it will help roundkicks as well in both the same ways.

                      But always remember the shin is an option and dont forget to use it at times!


                      • #12
                        i cant kick in shoes.....
                        i wear boots and jeans, so i cant kick with speed or with height on the street. im stuck punching people. which sucks given my kicks are the best tool ive got, not sure what to do about it though


                        • #13
                          heh im in a simular state as you, but im increasingly doing more sports in tracksuit bottoms so half the time im in them anyway, middle kicks and low kicks are still just as effective though

                          I wish they would invent a pair of jeans that is flexible!!


                          • #14
                            flexible jeans would be a godsend
                            still, not being able to kick means im having to learn to punch, and knee's sort of work in jeans. im getting to the stage where i trust my hands to get me out of trouble

                            i suppose the alternative would be to strip down to my boxers and then kick their head in.... but that would probably be a bad idea all in all. plus cold.


                            • #15
                              if your gonna kick them in their head, do yourself a favor and let them lower it for you. try this combo, rear leg snap to groin then a round kick. You have to sell the feint so it has to look like its going to hit their groin

