Why Does Everyone Believe If Taekwondo Students Practice High Kicks In Class They Would Actually Use It On The Street.i Mean Must Schools Dont Even Kick Above The Neck When Doing Focus Pads Which Is Where All The Kicking At Different Levels Are Attempted.i Mean When U Use Cusioned Shield In Class U Can Barely Kick Above Waist Level Without Hitting Your Partner.for Example All Most People Know That In Some Styles Of Karate Kata Is Done Alot Does That Mean In The Street Karate Stylist Are Going To Use Nothing But Kata Techniques To Fight An Opponet.u Cant Always Come To A Conclusion When U Dont Have More Evidence To Support It.
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False Conclusion
Dude why is every single word of your post have a capitol letter at the first letter? Thats also anoying.
Anyway I am all about TKD but I find it best to just ignore most of the TKD bashers and just train to actually fight. I never listen to solely what the TKD teachers tell you to do. Most TKD schools are BS and taking their advice gets you killed. Train hard and work out at the gym, then on your own train hard as well and get friends to fight no rules with you all the time. If you love the tradition of TKD then thats great! I do too, but dont let tradition bound you. Be open minded and take techniques from other martial arts, it will only add to your TKD and make it better! TKD honestly has every move you need to know to defend and fight well against people. There are other areas to kick then just the head and solar plexus. There are knees, thighs and stomping kicks. Also kick the the knee as well as the thaigh. Use side kicks and round houses. Use it all down there. Also elbows! Learn how to fight close quarters in the clinch as well as far away. Dont let the stupid sport karate rules of ITF teach you how to fight. That system gets people killed easy! Also dont be afraid to punch in the face and use other hand techniques there. WTF wont let you.
Just dont even bother with the stupid tournement style, and go out and train hard in the TKD and practice the forms and learn the applications of ever technique and learn to use it to fight well. Get your friends together to spar all the time!! Also get other styles of MA kids there!
Just to settle the whole tkd issue; why don't some of the best tkd stylist's enroll and participate in Ufc or pride tourneys. That would settle the whole bashing issue.
TKD in action...
Dear Sir,
Personally, I feel it best to allow the "TKD Bashers" to remain ignorant to the reality of traditional Taekwon-Do.
Know what you know, not worrying with what others think...
"I care not what others think of what I do, however I care greatly what I think of what I do"
-Theodore Roosevelt
Originally posted by KWONWhy Does Everyone Believe If Taekwondo Students Practice High Kicks In Class They Would Actually Use It On The Street.......
.u Cant Always Come To A Conclusion When U Dont Have More Evidence To Support It.
I just call them how I see them....
Take your post for example. You tend to support TKD as your post suggests you train in TKD, WTF? ITF? And here you are writing with the worst form I've seen recently.
TKD=Loser, you're living proof!
It's not what TKD does well that makes it deficient, it's what a number of it's practitioners don't do well that does.
Dear Sir(s),
I believe that there is but one true Taekwon-Do (of which I am a proponent)...however, there are many bastardizations of that art.
Also, I believe Taekwon-Do is a superb martial art. It is however the individual student and instructor who has created a virtual genecide in the public eye!
Take a look : http://www.mca-marines.org/Gazette/2005/05durand.html
in the school i trained in we kicked the focus mits above head level, so that if you were confronted with a taller challenger you wouldnt have a problem with kicks that high. ive trained in 4 different tkd schools and thats the way training is always practiced.
I have learned that teaching people to kick high is a two edged sword.
It builds leg strength and greater control.
But they they thing that kicking to the head is warrented in all situations.
There are dangers of kicking head high in real life altercations that are often down played by instructors. While under emphasising the benefits of low line kicks.
If you can kick high you can kick low. But if you only practice high you won't kick low.
People believe it because it makes them feel better abotu themselves and because it's what instructors teach to make more money.
If you want to learn to fight effectively, you need live sparring. This means full contact, minimal rules (allow grappling and at least some ground fighting), next to ne gear sparring( head gear, gloves and mouth guard at most). This will weed out alot of ineffective techniques and high light all of your flaws immedeately. this will allow you to train to make up for those flaws. You don't need to spar this way in class, you could do it out of class with a coupel of dedicated buddies. Also, challange people from other styles, it'll broaden your understanding.
I feel that if more TKD practitioners trained this way, the art would be better as a whole, instead of afew daimonds in a pile of crap.
To follow on from what Whispers said - my school has recently begun organising inter-style fight nights to get more experience for our top fighters. These guys are all highly ranked WTF players and so far have beaten mua thai, chinese kickboxing, choy lai fut, karate and boxing fighters in full contact matches. The other styles had some difficulty with the more mobile WTF footwork, and guess what? Several knockouts were scored with "flashy high kicks". But this is not because TKD is superior to these other arts - its because these fighters are good fighters, nothing more, nothing less. My two cents worth!
I you Tae Kwon Do but thats not the only martial art im going to do as I don't think any system is complete you need more than one art to become a great fighter.
other styles I want to do are Ju Jitsu, Wing Chun and maybe something like wushu.
Originally posted by Dude_101I you Tae Kwon Do but thats not the only martial art im going to do as I don't think any system is complete you need more than one art to become a great fighter.
other styles I want to do are Ju Jitsu, Wing Chun and maybe something like wushu.
I agree with Spooky, it's a great art. But only when practiced correctly and intellegently.