What kind of drills and training do you guys do to learn how to block other than sparring? I've found that when i was helping alot of white and low belts that they were very concerned that they might not be able to block effectively durring their first sparring match. Not only that, but a number of people sparring with contact for the first time after training alot without it find it difficult to block or that their timing is off.
What I have these people do to help them learn to block better is take up a stance across from their partner and have their partner very slowly(in the beginning) throw punches at them. This gives them alittle bit of time to recognise the incoming attack and figure out which block covers the area that is being attacked. As the person gets better at the drill, the attacker speeds up. Also in the beginning the person blocking can only move backwars and forwards, but as they get better they are allowed to move side to side or to dodge attacks rather than block them. Alot of people who have tried it said that they can recognise incoming attacks better and have less problems defending. Try it and tell me what you think.
Also, share any drills you have to work on defense. I'd really like to know more about how other people train.
What I have these people do to help them learn to block better is take up a stance across from their partner and have their partner very slowly(in the beginning) throw punches at them. This gives them alittle bit of time to recognise the incoming attack and figure out which block covers the area that is being attacked. As the person gets better at the drill, the attacker speeds up. Also in the beginning the person blocking can only move backwars and forwards, but as they get better they are allowed to move side to side or to dodge attacks rather than block them. Alot of people who have tried it said that they can recognise incoming attacks better and have less problems defending. Try it and tell me what you think.
Also, share any drills you have to work on defense. I'd really like to know more about how other people train.