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Thoughts on New TKD Rules

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  • #16
    Originally posted by tkd_person89
    Will participants of sport TKD actually put up their hands now?

    I wanted to know what you guys think. Do you think that it will bring sport TKD back to its roots?
    Why would participants put there hands up near there face if they were going to be punched at there side level? if anything it encourages them to keep there hands down.....


    TKD was designed for military use(as well as unification) So in what way is not allowing punching to the face going to bring it back to it's roots? Last time i check the military hand to hand combat didn't have no face punching rules....


    • #17
      I think that the TKD rules are as they have been with the no face stuff to encourage the flair that the art has come to accept, flashy kicks, fast, and more ballet than beat em up... TKD is a great art for kids and old people now because of what the sport has done to the martial art. I walked into a TKD academy here in town, just to check it out; it was a new place, and it was like walking back into the gym for gymnastics training not a dojo. I'm acctually applying for a job there this week lol...


      • #18
        when i say old people i mean 30-50 not 60-100...just to clairify


        • #19
          At the end of the day these rules are basically for sport, if you don't like it don't do it, find a TKD school that allows punches to the face etc.


          • #20
            You've got to remember that WTF is practised as a sport, whilst not exclusively as such, it is not also exclusively a MA either. Whilst allowing these punches to the body will make the sport of WTF TKD better for an 'anything goes' situation, it still retains its sport element, unlike the other forms of TKD which are most definitley exclusively MA.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Eyegouge
              when i say old people i mean 30-50 not 60-100...just to clairify
              30-50 is old?



              • #22
                YES! lol, my dad's 67 and he's still kickin ass, so i'm not bashing on the geezers.


                • #23
                  Pitty punches to the face aren't allowed, that would force people to keep their dukes high
                  As to leg kicking, nahh, but at least stop calling a sweep a low kick, this would stop them hopping around like bunnies

                  Next get rid of the hogo. headgear can stay but the hogo doesn't really make people defend very well

                  Will this all make it more realistic, only slightly, will it make it more attractive, more likely


                  • #24
                    Damn I'm not even through college yet and now I find out I'm one year away from being old.

                    Of course don't you subtract 1 year for every year younger your girlfriend is?

                    hmmm. That puts me at 24. So I guess I'm not old yet.

