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Thoughts on New TKD Rules

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  • Thoughts on New TKD Rules

    The WTF claims it has "reformed". However, the committee is still, unfortunately, concerned with developing the sport.

    But... some claim this new rule change is quite significant and will return sport TKD (or somewhat) back to the original, art roots.

    Do you think the new requirement of gloves and scoring of punches will return sport tkd to its martial ways?

    Do you think the new punching rule will make the guys keep their hands up and make sport TKD more realistic and more resembling of a real situation?

    thoughts please

  • #2
    could someone post the rule changes?


    • #3
      Arena is now 10 x 10 m instead of previous 12 x 12.

      Gloves are now required.

      Points will be officially awared for punches (not face though).

      4 judges instead of 3.

      But my original point was the punching. That is actually the issue here. Will that help sport tkd return to its roots or will it change nothing? Will it make people actually put up their hands now?


      • #4
        In my opinion, if you can't punch to the head as well as body and kick to the legs as well as the body and head, then it is FAR from realistic.


        • #5
          Yeah but I didn't ask if it was exactly like a street fight

          I wanted to know what you guys think. Do you think that it will bring sport TKD back to its roots?

          Will participants of sport TKD actually put up their hands now?

          Despite the hogu, do you think now it wil be similar to Kyokushin rules?


          • #6
            Originally posted by tkd_person89
            I wanted to know what you guys think. Do you think that it will bring sport TKD back to its roots?
            No. I don't.


            • #7
              Will it be more realistic?


              • #8
                If you cant kick below the waist and can't punch the head it isn't realistic >< At least make punches to the head worth points.


                • #9
                  I think that it is a STEP in the right direction, but I agree that points should be awarded for head punches. If the sparring isn't as realistic AS POSSIBLE then you have defeated the purpose of sparring. The only way that it is understandable, is if you view it as ONLY a sport. Sports must have rules, even the UFC has added lots of rules to make it more of a SPORT. It's a pretty awesome sport, but a sport none the less. If you are talking about bringing the sport back to its combat roots, then no. If you are talking about a sport that is trying to become somewhat more realistic with its rules, then as I said, its a step in the right direction.


                  • #10
                    Will it be simlar to kyokushin type rules?

                    And are you suggesting sparring doesn't develop fighting skills?


                    • #11
                      I hate little rings. I cant understand why they would want the rings to be so small. It really limits the sport a lot. Could you imagine boxing rings only 10'X10'? The bigger the ring the better, and I think thats part of the reason UFC does so well. The ring is large enough for people to have to use many different methods and techniques to win.


                      • #12
                        I think it's a step in the right direction to make the sport more exciting to watch. As far as making it realistic, hmmmmm, I wouldn't bother. The only true way to make things that realistic would be to have fights to the death like the gladiators. You would run out of fighters pretty quickly.

                        If I remember correctly, points used to be rewarded for strong "blocks". I would like to see that come back into play.


                        • #13
                          I'm not suggesting that sparring doesn't prepare you to fight. I'm saying that unrealistic sparring can defeat that purpose, by creating habits that, while they may be effective in certain types of sparring, can get you hurt in a real fight. Things like not using your hands properly. Relying only on your kicks, and not developing your hands and possibly ground fighting, as well as knees elbows, and targeting knees, eyes, and throat, can leave you at a big disadvantage in a street fight where anything goes. After all, you play how you practice. so, if you only practice points sparring in this type of scenario, then when you are tested in MAY come up short.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by tomjfd
                            I'm not suggesting that sparring doesn't prepare you to fight. I'm saying that unrealistic sparring can defeat that purpose, by creating habits that, while they may be effective in certain types of sparring, can get you hurt in a real fight. Things like not using your hands properly. Relying only on your kicks, and not developing your hands and possibly ground fighting, as well as knees elbows, and targeting knees, eyes, and throat, can leave you at a big disadvantage in a street fight where anything goes. After all, you play how you practice. so, if you only practice points sparring in this type of scenario, then when you are tested in MAY come up short.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by tkd_person89
                              Will it be more realistic?

