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TKD The Good The Bad The Ugly

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  • TKD The Good The Bad The Ugly

    Hi guys just signed up, nice to finally find a good MA forum.

    Anyway, I've noticed a lot of misconceptions about TKD on this forum, and noticed they came up in a lot of threads.

    So here's a quick rundown/summary of points which are a "general reply":

    1)TKD today is generally focused on kicking. That is a fact.

    2)People who practice MMA(UFC fighting) do so to cover all aspects of combat. They are IMO as a result, very well trained for combat, although they are not invincible.

    3)The hands down bad habit exists. It is bad.
    However...people think that is acceptable in TKD. Well, it's not. Against a well trained TKD practitioner, EVEN in watered down WTF sparring, you will still eat a foot to the head. Yes it's bad in boxing. It's also bad in TKD.

    4)The hands down bad habit is easily broken by some boxing with focus mitts. I did boxing and learned quickly NEVER to put my hands down. Boxing is a low risk for KO sport for its amateurs. That is not the case for TKD. My opinion, TKD schools should teach boxing with focus mitts. Kill two birds with one stone, cover closer fighting AND fix a bad habit.

    5)TKD practitioners often are not very athletic. BIGGEST problem, and biggest reason why you get a lot of TKD bashing. Look at MMA/UFC. I believe they are not perfect, but they get the athletic conditioning part right. THAT is how you win the close fights, when skill levels become comparable. TKD belt testing generally doesn't do this.

    6)TKD is not LIMITED to kicks. They have a VARIETY of kicks. ITF TKD, or the "original TKD" used backfists, elbows, and some knees. Quite frankly, there isn't much variety you can do with elbows and knees. The variety is all in the hands(kung fu...very creative) and feet(TKD obviously) techniques.

    7)Borrow. If you feel your TKD education is lacking in some way, take the initiative. I took a hiatus from TKD to do boxing for a while. My new TKD school does WTF/ITF mixed TKD, with boxing techniques and grappling.

    8)A final note on those in "Thai boxing" or MMA who feel TKD kicking is inferior, that it's watered down, etc. I've got news for is yours. Kickboxing techniques here are simply watered down Thai kickboxing techniques. The traditional Thai boxers are like TKD in their variety and creativity with their knees. And MMA isn't perfect either. Every system has certain weakneeses. But I'll say it again, MMA forces such a ridiculous level of athleticism that its weaknesses won't matter for all practical purposes.

  • #2
    Can I get a hallelujah!


    • #3


      • #4
        Yo! that desirves 5 Hallelujahs!

        except i don't like number 8.....
        Last edited by Acitic; 12-10-2005, 03:46 PM. Reason: making it pretty


        • #5
          Now if we all got off our butts and did something abotu this laundry list.

