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Good lord... why so many little kids in TKD?

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  • #16
    always the power rangers


    • #17
      Originally posted by tkd_person89
      Every korean dojang website i went to however, had no adult pics but dozens and dozens of kid pics. why?
      Maybe becuase your 3rd person "facts" are wrong

      Originally posted by tkd_person89
      I know for a fact because I've trained and also based on what others have told me, that Korea generally has dojangs that work you harder. On a percentage scale, the U.S. has more mcdojos.


      • #18
        Originally posted by tkd_person89
        Good lord... why so many little kids in TKD? A lot of websites of dojangs I go to a LOT of the photos have little, itty bitty elementary school kids in them.

        Why the HELL are there so many little kids in TKD? Is TKD becoming a children's sport?

        Parents know TKD is sport and isnt realy anything usefull in fighting and isnt going to get anyone hurt, so they see it as a way for a kid to do a sport that he or shee thinks is cool. Point blank TKD desnt go any farther than the ring.


        • #19
          Why can't you just accept mcdojo problem is the most sever ein the u.s. drop national pride and look at it from a neutral standpoint

          im not trying to make enemies here. it's just the truth


          • #20
            Originally posted by tkd_person89
            Why can't you just accept mcdojo problem is the most sever ein the u.s. drop national pride and look at it from a neutral standpoint

            im not trying to make enemies here. it's just the truth

            um im lost, what?


            • #21
              why don't you get yourself lost, dumbass

              tkd is useless? and what martial art do you do, bruce?


              • #22
                you'r eprobably one of those obnoxious fuckers that take a beating from your drill sarge on a daily basis, punk


                • #23
                  Originally posted by tkd_person89
                  you'r eprobably one of those obnoxious fuckers that take a beating from your drill sarge on a daily basis, punk

                  LMAO wtf man pull that stick outa your ass. Oh yeah you were asking about an art. I dont have an art. I fight, i use what i was tought by Sgts who have spent YEARS in the service and they teach us wat actualy works. IE sets of moves that only take 2 quick motions to kill a man. I dont take an art beacuse i cant use it in CQC in Iraq. I need to know how to kill a man not hurt him. And no, DSs are only in basic, punk. Try knowing your shit befor fucking with some one who does.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by PFC_Kurtz_John
                    LMAO wtf man pull that stick outa your ass. Oh yeah you were asking about an art. I dont have an art. I fight, i use what i was tought by Sgts who have spent YEARS in the service and they teach us wat actualy works. IE sets of moves that only take 2 quick motions to kill a man. I dont take an art beacuse i cant use it in CQC in Iraq. I need to know how to kill a man not hurt him. And no, DSs are only in basic, punk. Try knowing your shit befor fucking with some one who does.
                    Mmm...LINES training.

                    Are you Army or Marine?
                    We've heard from some Marines that they've actually successfull used their hand to hand program a lot in Iraq.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by tkd_person89
                      Why can't you just accept mcdojo problem is the most sever ein the u.s. drop national pride and look at it from a neutral standpoint

                      im not trying to make enemies here. it's just the truth

                      You still haven't provided any proof for this "truth" of which you are so certain. Wouldn't it be easier to do so and put your doubters to rest than to keep on getting upset?


                      • #26
                        Im Army. Im not busting on any art. But most arnt ment for CQC and or the situations that you are usualy put in. The main one that just isnt gona work is TKD. Too much kicking and when you have all that gear on your not going to be kicking like that.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by PFC_Kurtz_John
                          Im Army. Im not busting on any art. But most arnt ment for CQC and or the situations that you are usualy put in. The main one that just isnt gona work is TKD. Too much kicking and when you have all that gear on your not going to be kicking like that.
                          Good to have you here soldier!


                          • #28
                            Thanks for the welcome


                            • #29
                              Anyday what kind of skills did you learn in the army?


                              • #30
                                wow um lets see. Most of the skills are if you and your rifle get seperated (should never happen but does) Its basic hand to hand. IE a man stabs at you, you grab his arm twist it so your behind it drop your elbow break his arm jerk his head up use your hand in the sape of a knife edge and hit him the the throat as hard as you can. Let him hit the ground and lift your foot and drive your heal right through his face and into the skull. Its alot of stuff where you just keep attacking till your enemy is dead ( Note we train on jsut about every way you will be attacked y hand or knife and have a way to counter all). In Ground Fighting Tacktics (GFT) its alot of when the fight makes it to the ground you are tought how to get in a position of power and snap, break, crush, and dislocate any vital thing.

