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Good lord... why so many little kids in TKD?

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  • #31
    I sat down with a person in one of my masters classes today. He is a tkd black belt, born in korea, ranked in korea. He trained tkd in the korean military.

    He told me, in korea TKD just is not that popular. Mostly for children or military.


    • #32
      Some militaries use it but the US Army is now set to Swiftness and Violence of Action. That is how we were traind, fast and violent. We were never to let the enemy realize wtf is going on till he is on the ground dead. Not all militaries train to this thinking.


      • #33
        sounds interesting, does the person or ppl who train you guys have any sort of martial art background?? or they just developed the combat system based on real experience? I wonder if the Russian military is as hardcore as you guys


        • #34
          Most of th3e Sgts that train us have had some sort of martial arts training. In the end they throw out all the useless stuff and end up with a type of fighting thats just various styles mixed up so its only the best of best. And to answer about the Russians military, our GFT is a mix of their stlye and one other cant remember, and if you have ever read anything about their Spatznaz (Russian Special Forces) they are some bad ass dudes.


          • #35
            I know that if you ever happened to be a Marine and get stationed over in North Carolina you will get training in bjj....muay thai...boxing and krav maga....My cuz came back from Iraq about a year ago....he was pretty good too.The name of the system was "Marine Combat Techniques" so its a hybrid mix modified to fit their needs im guessing.


            • #36
              Originally posted by JkD187
              I know that if you ever happened to be a Marine and get stationed over in North Carolina you will get training in bjj....muay thai...boxing and krav maga....My cuz came back from Iraw about a year ago....he was pretty good too.The name of the system was "Marine Combat Techniques" so its a hybrid mix modified to fit their needs im guessing.
              Krav Maga is some good shit. If you want to learn quick fixes to anyone attacking you Krav is a great art to train in for combat.


              • #37
                Originally posted by JkD187
                I know that if you ever happened to be a Marine and get stationed over in North Carolina you will get training in bjj....muay thai...boxing and krav maga....My cuz came back from Iraq about a year ago....he was pretty good too.The name of the system was "Marine Combat Techniques" so its a hybrid mix modified to fit their needs im guessing.
                Yup the Marines actually have their own martial arts program(MCMA), complete with purty belts.

                Well not purty, they stuck to woodland BDU colors.

                If you look up LINES training, it's what they had before the new Martial Arts. Unfortunately, they "recalled" it as it was supposedly TOO lethal. Big fuss about how Marines off duty would pretty much go on automatic when attacked by civilians, and would end up killing/maiming them on they teach to the non-lethal approach as well now.

                Military martial arts take out the sport element, the art element, and focus entirely on the efficient stuff.

                ROK Marines practice a modified form of TKD, which I hear basically isn't TKD at all. And in Vietnam, they killed the VC with bayonets and open palm strikes to break faces.


                • #38
                  Yeah the stuff you're tought "Officialy" isnt that violent. Now on the other hand when you have in unit training your tought how to kill. Yeah for the most part every army has their own style and mind set that you go into a fight with.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by PFC_Kurtz_John
                    Yeah the stuff you're tought "Officialy" isnt that violent. Now on the other hand when you have in unit training your tought how to kill. Yeah for the most part every army has their own style and mind set that you go into a fight with.
                    I think most upcoming arts are like this, they filter out the non effective stuff that time has shown to be not quite up to scratch. You are taught how to kill a man in a lot of other arts, i can use some decent techniwues to kill a man quite easily now which, when i think about it, is quite a scary thing.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by bigred389
                      ROK Marines practice a modified form of TKD, which I hear basically isn't TKD at all. And in Vietnam, they killed the VC with bayonets and open palm strikes to break faces.
                      In Vietnam they were trained in the earliest form of TKD, and put it into great effect during a battle in their trenches with VC's at too close range for bayonets (I know that sounds a bit weird). After the battle and the Korean's overhwelming victory one of the two commanders put their success directly on to TKD, the other put it down to the fighting spirit instilled in their troops by the TKD training. I think there is a link giving quite a good account of the battle on thses forums somewhere.

                      From there a more lethal form of TKD was developed for Korean special forces called Mu Chuk Do, I was gonna post a thread to see if anyone had any info on that.


                      • #41
                        .......... too close for the good old cold blue steel ?


                        • #42

                          Link to the full article you referenced.

                          A family friend in Korea was a ROK Marine. Last I talked to him, he told me their self defense was basically crazy ninja stuff...the primary instruction being on how to kill...this way...that way...when they do that...etc.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by bigred389
                            If you look up LINES training, it's what they had before the new Martial Arts. Unfortunately, they "recalled" it as it was supposedly TOO lethal. Big fuss about how Marines off duty would pretty much go on automatic when attacked by civilians, and would end up killing/maiming them on they teach to the non-lethal approach as well now.
                            LINE... .....Can you say crowbar?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by PFC_Kurtz_John
                              .......... too close for the good old cold blue steel ?
                              Well yeah if its on the end of a rifle.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Piston
                                Well yeah if its on the end of a rifle.

                                good point

