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TKD vs American Kickboxing

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  • TKD vs American Kickboxing

    TKD vs American Kickboxing:

    How would this interesting scenario playout? If both guys were equally good who would pull though most of the time, tkd guy or kickboxing guy?

    What would TKD guy have to do to beat the kickboxer and vice a versa?

    Which do you feel is the stronger, more solid art?

  • #2
    Originally posted by tkd_person89
    Which do you feel is the stronger, more solid art?
    I Am Boycotting this thread because of this statement!


    • #3
      Fine then cut out that statement.


      • #4
        Well since I have experience in Kickboxing I may seem a little biased, but, I think the advantage would go to the kickboxer. They would more thna likely have better hands and when they would get in close and jam a TKD fighter, they would more than likely have the upperhand. Not to mention they are overall better conditioned.


        • #5
          I may seem a bit silly here, none-the-less, whats the difference between Kick Boxing and American Kick Boxing?


          • #6
            I think he's making the difference between American and Thai kickboxing.

            However this is yet another BS thread from someone who clearly lacks either the ability or conviction to practice their art without any doubts.


            • #7
              nearly every kickboxer I knew was a TKD person.

              Kickboxing isn't a system really, it's more of a type of fighting. For instance it used to be they set a minimum number of kicks per round.

              Now kickboxing is generally Taebo lol. At least if you call all the places saying they teach it. most of them will then tell you it is some type of taebo/cardio class.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cyclops
                Well since I have experience in Kickboxing I may seem a little biased, but, I think the advantage would go to the kickboxer. They would more thna likely have better hands and when they would get in close and jam a TKD fighter, they would more than likely have the upperhand. Not to mention they are overall better conditioned.

                What's the point of a technical comparison when you say they're better conditioned?
                I think equal conditioning or at least natural talent+dedication should be assumed to make any comparison worthwhile.

                And the "hands" can easily be solved with some boxing focus mitt work. Boxing is pretty friggin easy to pick up, which is why it's so damn great.

                Having said that, I believe the real Muay Thai schools(not watered down cardio kickboxing classes) have quite a few things to offer that TKD very very rarely covers, especially elbows and knees.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tkd_person89
                  TKD vs American Kickboxing:

                  How would this interesting scenario playout? If both guys were equally good who would pull though most of the time, tkd guy or kickboxing guy?

                  What would TKD guy have to do to beat the kickboxer and vice a versa?

                  Which do you feel is the stronger, more solid art?
                  Please. . . . .

                  log off the computer and go train. . . .


                  • #10

                    Shut the **** up



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bigred389

                      Having said that, I believe the real Muay Thai schools(not watered down cardio kickboxing classes) have quite a few things to offer that TKD very very rarely covers, especially elbows and knees.

                      You could say that about any art, the TKD that isn't watered down will be one of the rare schools that covers it and so the advantage is gone, these questions can't be answered, its just another moronic question from a moronic practioner, if he really wants to know all this he needs to get off this damn website, go find a kickboxer and spar him!!!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tkd_person89

                        Shut the **** up


                        get a vocabulary. You are one of the reasons TKD gets such a bad rep.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kuk sool won
                          You could say that about any art, the TKD that isn't watered down will be one of the rare schools that covers it and so the advantage is gone, these questions can't be answered, its just another moronic question from a moronic practioner, if he really wants to know all this he needs to get off this damn website, go find a kickboxer and spar him!!!!!

                          Bravo! He's said all that needs to be, so lets not post on this useless whiny thread again!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by bigred389

                            What's the point of a technical comparison when you say they're better conditioned?
                            I think equal conditioning or at least natural talent+dedication should be assumed to make any comparison worthwhile.

                            And the "hands" can easily be solved with some boxing focus mitt work. Boxing is pretty friggin easy to pick up, which is why it's so damn great.

                            Having said that, I believe the real Muay Thai schools(not watered down cardio kickboxing classes) have quite a few things to offer that TKD very very rarely covers, especially elbows and knees.

                            Well, I am speaking from personal experience and what I have seen. His question was rather general, and in general, I haven;t seen very many TKD schools that focus as much on conditioning, full contact sparring, and boxing skills as I have in kickboxing so thats why I mentioned the hands and conditioning. I am talking about full contact kickboxing, not that tae bo crap.


                            • #15
                              I train in kickboxning (not muay thai). I think that's what is called american kickboxing, which as far as I know is boxing + muay thai kicks (no knees, elbows or clinch work).

                              When you you want to compare TKD with american kickboxning, you have to specify the rules first. If there are no rules, I would say it's pretty equal since none of the arts/sports has any ground or clinch game.
                              If you allow punching to the head, the kickboxer will have a huge advantage, because most TKD gyms don't sparr with punching to the head. When you haven't trained getting attacked to the head with punches your natural reflexes will kick in and you will close you eyes and perhaps even turn your head away. Then you are dead meat...
                              So it all depends on the rules. If it's TKD rules, then it's probable that TKD is better.
                              Sometimes TKD-people train at my gym, and they always have a big problem with punches to the head.

