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This is a video fight between TKD VS MUAY THAI

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  • #16
    The TKD guy has no speed nor power. His moves have too much lag time.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mephariel
      The TKD guy has no speed nor power. His moves have too much lag time.
      Probably the result of traditional training methods such as air kicking and target drills. More work on heavy pads would probably improve the way he performs. In some cases during the footage it doesn't even look like he's usd to making contact at all.


      • #18
        Every style has it's ups and downs. Now myself being an experienced fighter in both fields of combat (TKD Instructor and Muay Thai for 15 years) have come to realize that the question isn't 'What is the better art?" but simply "Who is the more experienced?"

        With time and patience comes a more relaxed yet intensely fierce fighter. As for the stupidity of not punching while on should learn to adapt to any situation instead of trying to only focus on beating the crap out of them.

        Remember, Martial Arts is considered a sport. They don't allow you to punch each other in basketball now do they?


        • #19
          But they don't even allow you to punch each other in so called martial arts. That's why so many black belts can't actually fight.


          • #20
            Yes, and only once you have real-life experience can you use your techniques. One of the main goals is to avoid a fight all together on the streets.

