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My greatest training enemy...

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  • My greatest training enemy...

    I call it, the hangover!

    Although i consider myself a pretty serious Martial Artist i still enjoy the occasional drink with my mates wether it be at the local or at a club, recently i have been trying to cut my drinking down but i still find myself going out at least once a week.... aaaand drinking too much

    the next day I always have a banging headache and im not exactly in top notch condition - Usually it gets to the point where i dont feel like i cant do any training at all.

    Anyone else ever find themselves in this state?
    Would you say it would be wise to still train like that anyway or is it doing me more harm than good?

    (I know the obvious answer would be to stop drinking but i am trying to work towards that!)

  • #2
    drink slower and smoke more dope...there's no hangover. If you do have a hangover, try sleeping it off the whole day and at around 6:00 in the evening or so start working out. The hangover, at least for me, is gone by that time.


    • #3
      If you're going to engage in a night of drinking, eat a greasy meal before hand and then drink water at the night's end.


      • #4
        My biggest training enemy is Horseplay. Sorry, slightly off topic.


        • #5
          Take two aspirn before you crash out.

          Drink LESS. Man up and work through the pain.... wuss. :P


          • #6
            Slowly slowly replace the drink with weed and lots glasses of water.

            I love weed. It actually makes me want to exercise and push myself harder, eat right, and get things done. Which contradicts all these cliches that its makes ppl tired and lazy, and turns them into candymachine asslickers. I dunno....just me?


            • #7
              Part of what causes the hangover is that the alcohol has seriously dehydrated your system. Drink lots of water. Or just be like me, and don't drink at all (alcohol that is)


              • #8
                Because our gradings are on sundays I think I've only done 2 when I wasnt hungover.


                • #9
                  Yeh im trying to reduce my drinking but in my 'culture' (should we say) its a big part of socialising, i enjoy drinking with my mates, going out and having a laugh, i only drink half as much as what i used to when i go out but its not at 0.

                  Im afraid for the time being that to stop drinking is not an option for me. My aim is to stop by next year, im hardly going to stop this year espeically with holidays to Turkey and Magaluf, i would feel criminal if i didnt drink then!


                  • #10
                    Time to ask...

                    Originally posted by Piston
                    Because our gradings are on sundays I think I've only done 2 when I wasnt hungover.

                    You've got to ask yourself a question....

                    IS THERE A PROBLEM HERE?

                    Hello? What do you think?


                    • #11

                      Originally posted by kuk sool won
                      Yeh im trying to reduce my drinking but in my 'culture' (should we say) its a big part of socialising, i enjoy drinking with my mates, going out and having a laugh, i only drink half as much as what i used to when i go out but its not at 0.

                      Im afraid for the time being that to stop drinking is not an option for me. My aim is to stop by next year, im hardly going to stop this year espeically with holidays to Turkey and Magaluf, i would feel criminal if i didnt drink then!
                      You recognize that you have a problem, you plan to DO SOMETHING about it.
                      Good on you. Moderation is the key!

                      You DON'T have to get drunk when you are out with your "mates"... try water! Okay, maybe that's a bit dry for you? The thing is the goal of intoxication or socalization? I think most folks drink to get drunk. Bad bad bad...Ice water... Soda... maybe one small glass of wine? Drink all the water you want. You're a highly disciplined artist and "fighter"... Not a drunkard...

                      OR ARE YOU? Do something about it TODAY! Don't wait until next year... that's an excuse to continue in your habitual drinking pattern...


                      • #12
                        The problem is I DO enjoy getting pretty smashed, i suppose this is recently becoming less of a problem because im getting passed the need to annihilate myself everytime i go out, im still very young at 18, within a few years i will have got past this stage in my life, i suppose all im really trying to do at the moment is tone it down...


                        • #13
                          My worst enemy is the f***ing winter. I'm only 16 and I can't drive till I'm 18 in Jordan. So waiting for 30 mins in the rain to find a taxi to go home makes you become a lazy bitch on rainy days, like today... =/
                          And I don't drink or smoke so I don't have many enemies :P


                          • #14
                            Bad decisions...

                            Originally posted by kuk sool won
                            The problem is I DO enjoy getting pretty smashed,
                            ... within a few years i will have got past this stage in my life, i suppose all im really trying to do at the moment is tone it down...

                            OR, you'll get smashed one time too many, make a bad decision and end up dead in some nameless gutter...

                            Alcoholism at your age is reckless and STUPID!

                            But don't take MY word on it...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kuk sool won
                              I call it, the hangover!

                              Although i consider myself a pretty serious Martial Artist i still enjoy the occasional drink with my mates wether it be at the local or at a club, recently i have been trying to cut my drinking down but i still find myself going out at least once a week.... aaaand drinking too much

                              the next day I always have a banging headache and im not exactly in top notch condition - Usually it gets to the point where i dont feel like i cant do any training at all.

                              Anyone else ever find themselves in this state?
                              Would you say it would be wise to still train like that anyway or is it doing me more harm than good?

                              (I know the obvious answer would be to stop drinking but i am trying to work towards that!)

                              If your hangover is bad enough than you won't be good for much in training. As has been mentioned hangovers are caused largely by dehydration, so if you drink water in between drinks and at the end of the night you can minimize your suffering the next day. I'd be very careful about taking headache medicine though; acetominophin (the active ingredient in many pain relievers including Tylenol) combines with alcohol to form analine (sp?) in your liver, which is much more damaging than alcohol alone. In my experience though, in order for a hangover to really effect me the next day I have to drink ALOT. Typically even a good warm buzz won't leave you too bad off, especially since by your own statement you do drink regularly. If you're so bad off that you can't practice the next day you might want to think about whether you need to get smashed every time you drink. I go out between one and three nights a week, but I usually either don't drink or have only one or two drinks. Of course it's different for me because of the volunteer work I do; when I volunteer I'm on my honor to be completely sober so I just drink coffee.
                              Hey, I'm the last one to preach at you because I love a cold beer or a drink of whiskey and I've gone over board plenty of times in the past. Just the same it's a sure sign that you're hurting yourself if it's interfering with the things that are important to you (training, work, school, etc.) and the older you get the more ingrained your habits will become. It's not that you necessarily need to give it up completely and start going to meetings but any time someone asks if they have a problem it's a safe bet that they should think long and hard about what their life style will get them long term.

