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One more Krazy Korean Hapkido Tournament Clip

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  • #16
    Thanks for your support, Mike. I think I'll clarify a couple of things though. I'm not going to insult anyone or question their background or their fighting ability.

    There are a few things I'm going to clarify though. I have a very hard time listening to people who after viewing competition footage of any martial art from kyokushin to taekwondo making bold statements about how easy it would be to defend against their attacks. I have a strong TKD, Muay Thai and Boxing background. I fought in a WTF TKD tournament one time in the early 90's and it was one of the most humbling experiences of my life... similar to the first time I boxed.

    To suggest that simply putting up a boxing guard and being able to easily defend ones self against athletes like that in a style of competition that they specialize in is, in my opinion, not well thought out. I've seen good boxers put down by worse kickers than that.

    It's easy to look at footage and make bold statements. It's a whole other thing to be in front of a competitor of that calibur and back it up.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Maxx
      Thanks for your support, Mike. I think I'll clarify a couple of things though. I'm not going to insult anyone or question their background or their fighting ability.

      There are a few things I'm going to clarify though. I have a very hard time listening to people who after viewing competition footage of any martial art from kyokushin to taekwondo making bold statements about how easy it would be to defend against their attacks. I have a strong TKD, Muay Thai and Boxing background. I fought in a WTF TKD tournament one time in the early 90's and it was one of the most humbling experiences of my life... similar to the first time I boxed.

      To suggest that simply putting up a boxing guard and being able to easily defend ones self against athletes like that in a style of competition that they specialize in is, in my opinion, not well thought out. I've seen good boxers put down by worse kickers than that.

      It's easy to look at footage and make bold statements. It's a whole other thing to be in front of a competitor of that calibur and back it up.
      Illiterate = 'Unable to read and write.' I don't think spelling mistakes come under this, especially on an informal forum.

      I think i would be able to defend against those attacks quite easily with just a guard up, i very rarely get caught by high kicks and in those cases its due to a good combination, i have a very tight guard. There were two circumstances in that video where the hands were raised, both were to adjust the head gear. My initial post - 'the only 'krazy' thing about that clip is the distinct lack of defense involved, i doubt any of them kicks would have got through a decent guard' was then followed up by questioning on my background, so don't try to appear like you didn't.


      The implication was there, he wanted to try to belittle me through my art, i agreed and he continued to do so, i beleive that to be an insult and im sure you would to.

      How did I know he was talking to me? Because he quoted my post in his and didn't address anyone else in the post, i think that is enough evidence in itself.


      • #18
        Originally posted by kuk sool won
        Illiterate = 'Unable to read and write.' I don't think spelling mistakes come under this, especially on an informal forum.

        LOL! And now for the spin! LOL!


        • #19
          LMFAO! how do you keep your material so fresh? Mind you i think i have read a similiar comment on your other 4,592 comments. But still keep up the damn good work!



          • #20
            Originally posted by kuk school not gone
            keep up the damn good work!


            I will, if you promise to work on your grammar.


            • #21
              My grammar is fine, i just don't feel the need to worry about grammar when replying to retards.

              you have already broken the agreement though, you have used that same, old, worn out joke of changing the name in a vain attempt to make it a laugh, obviously you couldn't think of anything remotely clever if thats the best you can come up with.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                Maybe, but what a fun sport to watch, eh? I know this isn't your assertion, Bri, but there's a distinct tendency to look at everything like it has to be street applicable. these guys were armored up in as much padding as an NFL lineman, and I don't think they'd argue that what they're doing is "sport." In that context, I think it's a blast to watch, and I give the guys props for speed and agility. I certainly can't get my leg to head height that fast anymore!
                Very true Mike. It's just that I rarely see the exponents of systems like this ever mention that is it NOT street applicable. Quite the contrary!

                As an aside I have developed an incredibly brilliant and easy way to get my leg to head height quickly. I lie down.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by kuk sool won
                  My grammar is fine.

                  Post #15 would suggest otherwise.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                    Actually, since your responses are in written form, spelling is just about the only thing that applies!

                    But that's not the point. Maxx has trained in traditional Korean arts for DECADES. I can tell you from personally knowing the man - he is not trying to belittle Korean martial arts, and he's not the type of person to take cheap shots at someone he doesn't know. Also, before you accuse him of ragging on Korean Martial Arts, you should know that when we met, it was while he was one of the premier instructors for TKD and Muay Thai in Michigan's upper Penninsula and while I was starting the UP's first (to my knowledge) official JKD school. He was a rabid defender of combat oriented TKD (and Kyokushin - though it's decidedly "un-Korean"), and had a library full of reference material on Hapkido, Tang Soo Do, Kuk Sool Won, and virtually anything else Korean. He rapidly earned my respect for being a true gentleman and a consummate martial artist and instructor with demonstrated history of not only respecting but training in both contemporary and traditional methods continuously over twenty or thirty years.

                    Your interpretation of his comments are simply off base.

                    Now add to the list of insults you're hurling at him "retard." Again, I think you're bordering on "out of line."
                    A few spelling mistakes here and there isn't a problem in a forum like this dearest.

                    btw, that wasn't directed at him at all, that was to Jubaji and i think any insult to him is just.

                    I didn't say he was trying to belittle Korean martial arts i said he was trying to belittle Kuk Sool Won, i think its quite evident your hero was trying to do so in that post, if you disagree with that then i think you better read his post again.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by kuk sool won
                      Illiterate = 'Unable to read and write.' I don't think spelling mistakes come under this, especially on an informal forum.

                      I think i would be able to defend against those attacks quite easily with just a guard up, i very rarely get caught by high kicks and in those cases its due to a good combination, i have a very tight guard. There were two circumstances in that video where the hands were raised, both were to adjust the head gear. My initial post - 'the only 'krazy' thing about that clip is the distinct lack of defense involved, i doubt any of them kicks would have got through a decent guard' was then followed up by questioning on my background, so don't try to appear like you didn't.


                      The implication was there, he wanted to try to belittle me through my art, i agreed and he continued to do so, i beleive that to be an insult and im sure you would to.

                      How did I know he was talking to me? Because he quoted my post in his and didn't address anyone else in the post, i think that is enough evidence in itself.

                      First of all, I don't belittle other arts. I'm sure that Kuk Sool Won could stand up with just about any other martial art on the planet when trained right... but their tournaments sure suck!

                      I do, however, question the experience of people that practice one martial art while belittling those from another. Second of all, I didn't question your background. I really have no interest in your background. I simply don't respect your opinion. The reason...? It sounds like it comes from someone of little experience.


                      • #26
                        Fine, i suppose no matter what either of us says, both our opinions will stand, no point in bickering no more.


                        • #27
                          Yes there is. It's a laugh.


                          • #28
                            Just a few points. . . .

                            1. KSW is the second largest org. of Korean Martial Arts, or according to your founder the largest since he considers TKD a martial sport. You can't afford insurance?

                            2. Since we have never seen you, talked to you, or seen any video footage of you the only impression we have is what you write. Grammatical errors really stand out. Have a care with what you write. I've looked at some of my own old posts and I've come across as a complete dope.

                            3. Be careful about judging people's skill through video. I used to think I was pretty good until I saw myself on video. I look like a freaking dinosaur on film (of course I was 260 lbs. at the time)

                            P.S. Mike, Maxx, Jubaji, et al. . . .

                            I would like to apologize for some of the crap I've posted in haste in the past.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                              Not to mention the fact that you're willing ot apologize to Jubaji. That pretty much qualifies you for sainthood, doesn't it?

                              Only following a complete psychological examination.


                              • #30
                                I might need a shrink. I'm in one of those periods of retrospection and remorse.

