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I hath returneth...thats "im back" in ye olde...

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  • I hath returneth...thats "im back" in ye olde...

    Im expecting lots of "who are you again?" as i doubt many of you will remember me, but i posted a fair bit on here last year, these days i mostly post on MAP and occasionaly on Bullshido, but this place has always been my first love (i spent 6 weeks of work experience posting on here instead of working ).
    Since ive left ive had a couple of gradings and im now getting ready to grade for my 5th gup in TSD so im almost half way to bb which feels pretty good. Im still almost always the most junior belt in my class tho damn, no new people that i can bully!

    Ive also started training at a Kyokushin dojo in an effort to learn some decent sparring and conditioning. Its pretty hardcore, ive got my first grading in september, i have no idea what its gonna involve but im sure as hell its gonna hurt (i might also be entering a Kyokushin tournie as a novice if i feel ready enough next month)

    Im also starting Judo tomorow to get some grappling techniques down, in an effort to not look like a wet fish at a bullshido throwdown im gonna attend in December.

    On the fitness side, Kyokushin getting me out of the bad habits of lazy training and getting my cardio and strength up loads. I also bought a barbell to do squats, presses and deadlifts.

    Well thats me up to date. Hows everything here?

  • #2
    Hi, I am totaly new here, but I am always happy to find somebody to talk Martial Arts..

    (With your schedule...I am surprised you have time for the computer! )


    • #3
      Nice to meet you

      lol. Its not as bad as it looks. I train 3/4 evenings a week and seeing as my hours ahave been cut down at work that leaves me plenty of time to waste on the net

      What do you train in?


      • #4
        Hey Seany welcome back, i remember you! I did actually wonder where you had gone!

        Congratulations on the promotions, glad to see that you are cross training - good luck


        • #5
          Originally posted by seanyseanybean View Post
          Nice to meet you

          lol. Its not as bad as it looks. I train 3/4 evenings a week and seeing as my hours ahave been cut down at work that leaves me plenty of time to waste on the net

          What do you train in?

          TKD...about three times a week, plus a couple of days assisting in class...


          • #6
            Originally posted by kuk sool won View Post
            Hey Seany welcome back, i remember you! I did actually wonder where you had gone!

            Congratulations on the promotions, glad to see that you are cross training - good luck
            Thanks KSW. Hows your training going? I think we started MA at a similar time? Is that right?


            • #7
              Welcome back So what's it like at the Kyokushin place? Can you outline what a typical class is like?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                Welcome back So what's it like at the Kyokushin place? Can you outline what a typical class is like?
                I will copy and paste from a post i made after my first class

                Okay just got back (the dojo is in a pub, so there was a bit of a sitdown and a chinwag afterwards)

                Im pleased to say I really enjoyed it,

                Definately one of the toughest things ive been through. The warm up was 50 step ups, 50 push ups, 50 sit ups, 50 squats then 10 short sprints, i had the second worst time (6mins 6 secs ) im so unfit .

                We then did some pad work, kicking the big thai pads was awesome but tireing.

                We then did some footwork drills intensively for 5 mins, which was a bit of a cooldown.

                We then did sparring. Suprisingly my TSD held up quite well, i landed plenty of kicks to the head. Mind you i do take many things i learn in TSD with a pinch of salt i.e ive always adopted a Kyok stance from watching clips on the net and K-1 and the like. I did find myself quite scarred of getting hit tho, but luckily they were kind enough to go easier than normal on me, so i didnt take any serious hits.

                EDIT: Forgot to mention, we finished off with some more pad work. Intensive punching for 1 min, then rest then 30 secs, then rest then for 15 secs. I was absoloutly DONE at this point i was so glad that there wasnt any push ups or anything after, because i would have passed out.

                They are really nice bunch of guys and gals. On thurs lesson they are doing purely fitness stuff and weights,


                • #9
                  That sounds like good stuff. Is Kyo just striking or does it have any grappling/clinching as well?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sagacious Lu View Post
                    That sounds like good stuff. Is Kyo just striking or does it have any grappling/clinching as well?
                    Traditionally it has sweeps and throws. However last night at my dojo we did a little groundwork, we learnt how to GnP and get an armbar from the mount.


                    • #11
                      sounds like a great place to train.I think one of the most important things when training is finding a great group of people to train with that you respect and get a long with.

                      I started Kuk Sool about the same time as you did TSD i think.


                      • #12
                        When you left, I was but the learner - now I am the master!

                        err, welcome back.
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gregimotis View Post
                          When you left, I was but the learner - now I am the master!

                          err, welcome back.
                          Only a master of evil greg!


