Yeh thats what the monkey stylist is doing, trying to find where abouts he's passed out
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They say TKD is more on sports than MA...
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- Aug 2006
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*It's not the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog*
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- Dec 2005
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Famous Karate Kid quote....
Daniel: Hey, what kind of belt do you have?
Miyagi: Canvas. JC Penney, 3.98; You like?
Daniel: [laughs] No, I meant...
Miyagi: In Okinawa, belt mean no need rope to hold up pants.
Miyagi: [laughs; then, seriously] Daniel-san,
Miyagi: [he taps his head] Karate here.
Miyagi: [he taps his heart] Karate here.
Miyagi: [points to his belt] Karate never here. Understand?
Hi here. I am new to this board. Welcome me now
Anyways. About TKD..and what not. First of all, I am a 1st Dan in WTF Tae Kwon Do. The school I come from, Practices the Tae Geuk Forms and Spar using the rules of the USTU and USOC. I however dislike the Sport aspects of Tae Kwon Do. I am in the belief of more traditional training. Including Martial arts free sparing, Practical Self defense and Philosophy. It all depends who you are training under. And I definately do not like the aspect of a "belt factory".
I also have a 2nd Dan in Moo Duk Kwon Tang Soo Do. At the School I trained at, pactices the Moo Duk Kwon Pyung Ahn forms as part of our Regular Tae Kwon Do classes. Dual training in Moo Duk Kwon helps keep us in touch with more traditional techniques. While TKD continues to modernize it's techniques according to the current fads in tournements. Our MDK techniques are still drawn from analizing our forms and basic training.
There is a 3rd art Hap Ki Do, which I dabbled with, sure sounds like a MMA school I went to? Sure, but each class was it's own. And no mixture to it. When you finished the TKD training, you had to go change your dobok (uniform) to the HKD uniform. And vise versa. The training was seperated as if it was 2-3 different schools using the same dojang.
I am 48 years old, with 24 years of that given to the school above. I retired in 1997 from all activity, and moved to China in 2004, and where I live and work at, we have a TKD club..and I train with Chinese TKD students now. Some are sporty, but many are very traditional and like to learn TSD from me.
Any physical activity can be included the realm of sports, this includes any martial arts. As a matter of fact, the old Okinawans often refereed to "Tode" or "Okinawa-te", or Karate as a sport.
Taekwondo first and foremost a martial art. However, as with other martial arts, aspects of the activities can be participated in as a competition, which brings those aspects into the realm of "sports".
This does not however mean that Taekwondo, or any other martial art can be divided into "sport" or "martial arts" areas.
Today, competitions in Taekwondo and other martial arts have many types of sparring, breaking, forms, self defense, weapons, etc, types of events.
There is the old Olympic Greek joke that all sports are games, but not all games are sports, it was meant to show the stupidity of those who would argue it!
Don't fall into the sport vs martial arts trap, it's really a moot point, argued by those who do not understand either.
Best Regards,
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- Aug 2005
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- Woman hitting pimp gets beat down - karma baby!
Wonderful set of knockouts!
Love your BOB
You even though Tkd is sport it is a create way to biuld talent for mma fighters/K1 There is some fuckn great Tkd fighters out there such as Serkan Yilmaz he kicks are incredible (WTF world champ fightin in K1) And the most recent fighter that every1 is talkin about in england as the next big thing Zelg Galesic LIL mirko (3 time ITF world champ) i think is record is like 9-1
these are just 2 two fighters i can say more
this is a relief for me cous im sick sein of the typical mma figther.
he is a vid of him.. Zelg Galesic
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- Aug 2006
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*It's not the size of the dog in the fight - it's the size of the fight in the dog*
Originally posted by Piston View PostPeople do extreme ironing so why not?