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advice and discouragement

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  • advice and discouragement

    Hello everyone I was just looking for some advice...I started training in chang-hun taekwon-do about a month ago. I have enjoyed it so far but am starting to feel discouraged on my progression, maybe because i'm so new? I kind of feel like i've been spinning my wheels on everything I learned day 1. I also am feeling a little out of place. I am the oldest one in class even most of the instuctors, I am 27. most of the people in the school are either related or like the instuctors have grown up there together so they have a different bond. Kind of feel like i'm left on the outside to figure everything out for myself or slowing the class down for everyone because I am so new so everyone else is getting shorthanded, ya know?
    just wondering what your thoughts and advice might be? should I find a new school? maybe i'm too old to be just starting? or should i just stop complaining?


  • #2
    I think you are being a bit hard on yourself. One month isn't enough time to become proficient in martial arts or most other things for that matter. TKD requires a good bit of flexibility and strength in muscle groups not often used in typical day to day activities.

    My advice is to practice the basics every day, take your time it with and do alot of repetition. If you do this you will find that you will catch up with the rest of the class in no time.


    • #3
      Originally posted by DavinWest View Post
      Hello everyone I was just looking for some advice...I started training in chang-hun taekwon-do about a month ago. I have enjoyed it so far but am starting to feel discouraged on my progression, maybe because i'm so new? I kind of feel like i've been spinning my wheels on everything I learned day 1. I also am feeling a little out of place. I am the oldest one in class even most of the instuctors, I am 27. most of the people in the school are either related or like the instuctors have grown up there together so they have a different bond. Kind of feel like i'm left on the outside to figure everything out for myself or slowing the class down for everyone because I am so new so everyone else is getting shorthanded, ya know?
      just wondering what your thoughts and advice might be? should I find a new school? maybe i'm too old to be just starting? or should i just stop complaining?

      Why did you want to do TKD in the first place?? I'm not bagging the style by the way.

      Maybe you haven't chosen the right club?

      Either way, 1 month is nothing. Learning any MA requires dedication, perserverance and repetition.


      • #4
        I started because I really like the style and i love the attitude and character of the students coming from the school. My discouragement with progression comes in with being the new guy and having to interupt class because i dont know something that everyone else does, so we have to stop and they have to take me to the side to work on it or try to explain things quickly. so i feel like more of a hinderance to the rest of the class, do you know what i mean?


        • #5
          I know what you mean but you are new to the style and want to know why or how to do this properly. This is a good attitude (within reason!) and the instructor(s) must compensate for this.

          No-one new to MA's comes in knowing it all already otherwise why would we go??!!

          If you don't feel you are getting the instruction or support you need then maybe you should find another club.


          • #6
            i would say talk to the students ask them to help you and work with you. this will start you on building a bond with them then sooner than you think you wont feel so outside. it is perfectly natural to feel out of place when you have to practice on the side but you are just starting give it time and you will not regret it. also work on your flexibility things will be 100% better and easier in the korean arts for you.


            • #7
              I keep feeling like I get worse every class lol I think I figured out what the problem is though..I am the only low ranking student, the other two in the class I attend are getting ready to test for their blackbelts, so their movents are tight and quick and than you have me trying to keep up, its nice getting the one on one with the instructor but we are grouped together so steps, marching patterns, s/d everything is with them. one of the other instructors told me that it is harder to learn at a solid pace being paired with someone so much higher than hopefully more students join lol


              • #8
                I didn't start training in TKD until I was about 20 years old. Believe it or not, I think starting your training as an "adult" is a big advantage vs. starting as a "non-adult". However, it can take adults longer to learn new things.

                Keep training and many things in and out of class will become routine.
                Stay the course, Grasshopper!!


                • #9
                  Martial arts these days are nothing like they used to be. You don't have to be tied to one school and one master for life. Schools are now businesses where you pay for their time. I say treat it just like dating, date a lot, marry once. Visit several other schools in your area, some taekwondo, some other styles. Almost every school I've seen will let you sit and watch how a class is ran. You'll either decide that you really do like your current school, or you'll find a different school that you think might work better for you. I started at 31 and it's a little different for adults starting out. A lot of schools break out a class into groups if they're spanning too many belts and have assistant instructors teach some of the lower belts so the whole class can be more productive, so that might be something for you to look for also.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DavinWest View Post
                    I started because I really like the style and i love the attitude and character of the students coming from the school. My discouragement with progression comes in with being the new guy and having to interupt class because i dont know something that everyone else does, so we have to stop and they have to take me to the side to work on it or try to explain things quickly. so i feel like more of a hinderance to the rest of the class, do you know what i mean?
                    well for one thing, there isn't a single form of martial arts out there that is going to be easy. It takes a long time to get the movements built into your muscle memory. Also everyone starts out as a beginner and many people have the same problems. I will admit some are naturals but that is rare. If you like it then just stick with it, you will be glad you did. One thing I would like to ask is, do they stop the class to step you through a form that you haven't learned yet or do they have one of the black belt instructors take you to the side and teach you so the rest of the class can continue? If you are taken to the side then that is normal and should happen for each of your forms unless it is a not a form of your association. You may want to also talk with some of the instructors and see if you can schedule some private lessons. They should have no problem with that and in fact they would probably be happy to give you the extra help since it looks good on them when you do good.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DavinWest View Post
                      I keep feeling like I get worse every class lol I think I figured out what the problem is though..I am the only low ranking student, the other two in the class I attend are getting ready to test for their blackbelts, so their movents are tight and quick and than you have me trying to keep up, its nice getting the one on one with the instructor but we are grouped together so steps, marching patterns, s/d everything is with them. one of the other instructors told me that it is harder to learn at a solid pace being paired with someone so much higher than hopefully more students join lol
                      hmmm, should have read farther before I posted, what school are you going to? Do they have a website that I can look at?

                      my suggestion to you is to look around at some other TKD schools and see if they will let you view a class. Also some advice from me, if your current school isn't a traditional school then you may want to get out. Most non traditional schools tend to mix in a lot other styles and they don't teach about TKD history as well. Nor do they focus on pressure points which is the key to making effective strikes.

