Hello everyone I was just looking for some advice...I started training in chang-hun taekwon-do about a month ago. I have enjoyed it so far but am starting to feel discouraged on my progression, maybe because i'm so new? I kind of feel like i've been spinning my wheels on everything I learned day 1. I also am feeling a little out of place. I am the oldest one in class even most of the instuctors, I am 27. most of the people in the school are either related or like the instuctors have grown up there together so they have a different bond. Kind of feel like i'm left on the outside to figure everything out for myself or slowing the class down for everyone because I am so new so everyone else is getting shorthanded, ya know?
just wondering what your thoughts and advice might be? should I find a new school? maybe i'm too old to be just starting? or should i just stop complaining?
just wondering what your thoughts and advice might be? should I find a new school? maybe i'm too old to be just starting? or should i just stop complaining?
