Alright I guess I am going to have to take this a different direction.
You know if everyone would spend a little more time training they wouldn't have to be so concerned about what is going to happen when they get caught in an armbar. Then again everyone is going to be caught in moves from time to time and sometimes we all get hurt because grappling is a hands on rough sport. It's up to use to decide when it is safe and when it is not and sometimes we have to experiment like Sean with the kimura he got caught in to see what the results of our actions are going to be. I am sure that after doing the spinning move to get out of the kimura the first time you won't do it again will you lol. We have to be aware of when we are going to be hurt though. That is kinda like if I see someone going for a heel hook and I just think they are going to get it I tap. Same with neck cranks and knee bars. It's not worth holding on just to prove you can take it. Trust me, it's not worth it.
You know if everyone would spend a little more time training they wouldn't have to be so concerned about what is going to happen when they get caught in an armbar. Then again everyone is going to be caught in moves from time to time and sometimes we all get hurt because grappling is a hands on rough sport. It's up to use to decide when it is safe and when it is not and sometimes we have to experiment like Sean with the kimura he got caught in to see what the results of our actions are going to be. I am sure that after doing the spinning move to get out of the kimura the first time you won't do it again will you lol. We have to be aware of when we are going to be hurt though. That is kinda like if I see someone going for a heel hook and I just think they are going to get it I tap. Same with neck cranks and knee bars. It's not worth holding on just to prove you can take it. Trust me, it's not worth it.