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BJJ in multiple opponent situation?

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  • #61
    Yeah, we're definately on the same page. Always train hard, like you're gonna have Vanderlei Silva coming after you, try to stay humble, definately talk the fight out if you can, and if placed in a crappy situation like multiple attackers that you can't avoid, hope their total and utter wusses.


    • #62
      Speaking of wusses I also noticed that size doesn't equal true heart. There are a lot of weight lifter that talk trash, assumining everyone in intimidated. When they get hit what a punk BEEOTCH!!!! Some one these little dude have more heart. Alot of times, well where I live and been, size makes peopel test you,-force you to fight. Now of course that not everyone I have to think interms of numbers but it is not infrequent.


      • #63
        Originally posted by IPON
        Speaking of wusses I also noticed that size doesn't equal true heart. There are a lot of weight lifter that talk trash, assumining everyone in intimidated. When they get hit what a punk BEEOTCH!!!! Some one these little dude have more heart. Alot of times, well where I live and been, size makes peopel test you,-force you to fight. Now of course that not everyone I have to think interms of numbers but it is not infrequent.
        Gym guys, being wusses is an acceptable statement, but I will say I was surprised at how many guys I've met at the gym that are training for MMA / Wrestling / etc. Not that many, but more than I would have thought.
        For some people size = overconfidence, big bark, little bite.
        Yeah, that's true...and people do definately want to test you, especially drunk ppl. I hate going to pick my chick up from work, she's a waitress, cuz there's always some idiot w/ his buddies that just stare at me when I'm sitting down waiting by myself. Dumb Ass, is the only word the describes ppl like that.


        • #64
          it's true about the big guys gettin tested a lot. i have some friends who are big guys and they have got some stories.
          one guy, 6'0 tall 295 and ripped, riding his motorcycle with a tank top on pulls up to a stop light and the car drives up real close to him. the guy in the passenger side throws a big gulp at him for the fun of it. the fight was on.
          another guy 6'7 355 , an undercover cop on a job, sitting at a bar in a small town, some drunk 5'8 guy walks up and says he is going to kick his ass, it was deescalated but happened nonetheless.

          on the other side:

          i worked a poular nightclub for about ten years and saw many bouncers come and go the guys that had the hardest time were the small guys. hard meaning they got more action than us bigger guys. most of them did well enough though. most were controlled without too much resistance.

          deescalation works about 9 out of ten times usually but that one that is not, is a big one.
          it's important to remember that not even trained individuals can train for every contingency, so those that do not train at all are less than prepared for an event where you dictate the level of violence.
          some rules of thumb that i have been taught:
          * if you are surrounded, strike first, hard and fast, use guys as shields after you mess them up, throw them one way while you attack in the other, get out of the circle, and don't stop moving until everyone is down or you can get away
          * a chop to the throat and a thumb in the eye can rid you of two guys for a while
          * strike with both hands and you stand a better chance
          when practicing against the multiple attacker scenarios:
          1. practice angles of different opponents paying attention to:
          time taken to get from one to the other
          strike placement for maximum effect
          2. as you get better let your partners figure out who is going to initiate so you don't just take the offensive stance.
          3. practice different scenarios where you are in every day, real life situations. like you're sitting down at starbucks and have to get into it. you are followed home and you are getting out of your car and these road rage experts run up on ya. whatever it is just keep practicing.

          probably the best line i have heard ever in regards to training for the weirdest scenarios.
          "i'd rather have something and not need to use it than the other way around."


          • #65
            One thing I've noticed about all the MA's around here is there willingness to allow a potential fight deescelate. That's great, I am impressed

