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  • #16
    I've heard people slay this BJJ movie, ebven for the fight scenes. They reckon that a multiple fight sequence is dealt with by a Machado taking an aggressor down, and everyone else just stands back, too frightened to move.

    Real life? He'd have his head caved in by a selection on footwear.


    • #17

      Originally posted by Jazzshredder86
      Has anyone ever seen "Brazilian Brawl?" I thought it was some crappy south american film....then i realized the MACHADO BROTHERS play the main characters. Its a complete piece of cinematic crap (though its got one or two weird cameos by famous american actors) but the fights are pretty cool. Lots of BJJ action, replete with bad acting and a terrible plot. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy about people who say you can beat a BJJ guy on the ground by biting and stabbing the eyes and throat when one of the Machado's bites a guys ear off in a prison brawl.
      OK, howcome when when grapplers do movies it makes people all warm and fuzzy inside, I'm used to everyone criticizing fight films, and their UNREAL scenes. What's the deal? I'd agree that the Nike symbol being bashed into the back of Machodo's head is what would have and should have happened. As for biting a guys ear off in a brawl, that's not a machado thing...did everyone forget Mike Tyson already?


      • #18
        The deal is people that practice BJJ want to see it in movies.



        • #19
          Ok, I understand that they wanna see BJJ is movies, and that's cool. I should have been more clear about my point. I hear more criticism about striking MA in movies than I could have ever imaged, yet once a BJJ movie pops into town, it's "dope". I'm not criticising anyone directly, I was just curious as to why movie BJJ is so much different than say, movie MT that it is ok to make a movie about it with completely unreal fight scenes? I hope that clarifies my point.


          • #20
            Choy I really don't see what you're talking about, I haven't seen anyone say anything good about this movie, and if they did it doesn't matter cause this movie sucks, furthermore I practice BJJ and I never ever want to see it in a movie ever again, quiet frankly I'm disgusted at this over glorification of BJJ. Most sane people including a couple Gracies will readly admit that BJJ is not ideal in a multiple attack situation. Did anyone else notice the God awful editing? and the fact that this movie was released in 2002 and yet it looks like a low budget 80s educational tape, the kind you watch in highschool health class. In closing I could film poop for an hour and forty mins and it would be oscar worthy compared to this waste of five bucks and 90mins of my time.


            • #21
              Originally posted by arsen
              Choy I really don't see what you're talking about, I haven't seen anyone say anything good about this movie, and if they did it doesn't matter cause this movie sucks, furthermore I practice BJJ and I never ever want to see it in a movie ever again, quiet frankly I'm disgusted at this over glorification of BJJ. Most sane people including a couple Gracies will readly admit that BJJ is not ideal in a multiple attack situation. Did anyone else notice the God awful editing? and the fact that this movie was released in 2002 and yet it looks like a low budget 80s educational tape, the kind you watch in highschool health class. In closing I could film poop for an hour and forty mins and it would be oscar worthy compared to this waste of five bucks and 90mins of my time.
              Based on what you said, I would have thought you would understand where I'm coming from. Maybe I failed to make my point again. Basically, I think it was stupid and overglorified, just like you. My point was that anyone who said this movie was the coolest thing ever better not be running around dumping on some low budget, and especially high budget (i.e. matrix, the one, kick boxer, enter the dragon, etc.) , movie that features a different MA as it's fighting format.

              I think we're almost on the same page, with the exception that you havn't seen anyone saying anything good about this movie. I wish I saw through your eyes.


              • #22


                • #23
                  Choy I haven't seen the movie, but I can understand from BJJ perspective why people would watch it even bad. you don't see BJJ in movies so naturally peopel are excited. The reality is that unlike kung fu or karate, the general public is not aware of BJJ really only teh MMAs and spectators.

                  The difference in the styles, most kung fu movies fall under criticim beciuase of all the string work, flying around one punch knocking out 40 people etc. exciting to watch yes real no.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Roland
                    Agreed...thanks for straightening me out


                    • #25
                      Ever see the movie "Superfight"? (at least I'm pretty sure that's what it's called). I was just flipping through channels when I chanced upon it . . .

                      . . .watched for about 5 minutes . . . had to change the channel . . .and I think my body still suffers from the exposure . . .

                      Best regards,


