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Bye Bye Tank!!

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  • Bye Bye Tank!!

    i think nov 21st was the official end of Tank's carrier after loosing to Cabbage, im sure ever1 agree

    Well it was good while it lasted or at least in the beggining!

  • #2
    No offence at all meant but I would have to say Tank is the only fighter in the UFC I cannot stand.

    Hes an arrogant bastard. In his opinion he is the only real fighter in UFC. Hes a fat ass that can throw is weight behind punches... I mean hes not that talented. Anyone that could move at all around the ring had him by the end of the round. He just had no conditioning.

    So I would say I am glad he is leaving.


    • #3
      Originally posted by shadowkiller
      In his opinion he is the only real fighter in UFC. Hes a fat ass that can throw is weight behind punches... I mean hes not that talented.
      MMA & SK - I agree 100% he talks a great game but if he could win his next 3 fights he may have a 500 record. And THE EXCUSES I hate fighters that make excuses but "Mr. King of the Pit" has never been beaten in HIS mind. I saw the fight last night and he got his asss handed to him there was nothing he say. He complained they stopped the fight, but the doctor said he asked tank if ther e was a problem and he said he couldn't see (and tank knew they would end the fight he didn't want anymore of cabbage). I don't have a problem about safety, but don't lie and make it seem "oh I'm Mr. badass you know I didn't ed the fight I can't control the doctors" umm how maytimes has he been tapped. In the begining I was a fan, until I realize he was just a hell's angel wannabee


      • #4
        My favourite fight of his is the one with pedro hizzo. I think it was UFC 3 david vs goliath.

        Pedro really handed tanks ass to him. He just danced for most of the first round and by the middle of the second tank couldnt take two steps without doubling over. All Rizzo had to do was lay down a few good strikes which he did and the fight was over.

        If you are taking fat strikers with no ground game then yes tank is a good fighter but any time he fights anyone that isnt his size he loses.


        • #5

          I agree. I've never liked Tank Abbot. I would enjoy watching him lose (I know it sounds evil). I especially enjoyed when Tank went up against my boy Vitor Belfort. Vitor just whooped him. Tank had nothing against Vitor, not even strength because Vitor is just too strong and muscular for Tank's flubber to overcome.


          • #6
            I believe Tank's (very expensive per fight) contract was up (along with Rizzo's) with that fight.

            I don't think UFC is too thrilled with either at this point.

            They could get about 6 "hungry" fighters under contract for the same $.

            Did anybody got to CT to see it?
            Was Rizzo/Rodrigus as boring as I heard?


            • #7
              the last round of the rizzo vs rodriguez was cut of some how paperview. but u cant rizzo is in another league and capable of some awesome lnockouts and hes best could still be yet to come, but Tank hes past it.


              • #8
                No the fight with rizzo I was refering to was rizzo's first in the UFC. I think it was in south america, in rio but I am not sure.


                • #9
                  Tank Is Fat

                  Originally posted by shadowkiller
                  No offence at all meant but I would have to say Tank is the only fighter in the UFC I cannot stand.

                  Hes an arrogant bastard. In his opinion he is the only real fighter in UFC. Hes a fat ass that can throw is weight behind punches... I mean hes not that talented. Anyone that could move at all around the ring had him by the end of the round. He just had no conditioning.

                  So I would say I am glad he is leaving.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by alwaysmixwell

                    Well your an idiot arent you.....


                    • #11
                      Sorry to break up your wicked witch is dead party, but I've heard Tank somehow managed to get a new contract & is supposed to be fighting Ken Shamrock in June.
                      Sorry folks.

                      And for the record, I'm no fan of Tank's either.


                      • #12
                        Tank may not be pretty, but at least he's articulate.

                        "HaRd WoRk REWARDS"?

                        "Well your an idiot arent you....."

                        I see that grammar and spelling, as well as Tank Abbot, have been taking a beating in recent weeks.

                        What a sad state of affairs...


                        • #13
                          i will miss seeing him get SPANKED


                          • #14
                            Tank may not be pretty, but at least he's articulate.

                            "HaRd WoRk REWARDS"?

                            "Well your an idiot arent you....."

                            I see that grammar and spelling, as well as Tank Abbot, have been taking a beating in recent weeks.

                            What a sad state of affairs...
                            Since when was this a spelling and grammar forum??? Szczepankiewicz if you can't debate shut the F--K UP! stop talking about something totaly irrelevent to the topic.


                            • #15
                              Spelling and grammar are always relevent my son. How do you expect anyone to take you seriously if they haven't a clue as to what your talking about?

                              That tank no good him dum?

