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Ground Fighting

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  • Ground Fighting

    I decided to write this article to explain the basics(very basic) of the groundfighting training i do. This can be added to your training ...(im talking about groundfighting for real situations, not competition)


    You can't groundfight unless you are on THE GROUND!!

    The easiest way to get your opponent there is with the use of a takedown. Most takedowns are simple and involve sweeping/lifting your opponents legs or throwing them. They are generally performed from the clinch(you have hold of your opponent).


    Position is very important in groundfighting, it dictates what you can and cant do to your opponent.

    Mount: This is the position you will most likely want to be in. You are "sitting" on your opponent and generally have an advantage.

    Guard: This is a position that is not usually favoured but can be used to your advantage if you know what you are doing. You are on your back and your opponent is "sitting" in between your legs. This is considered better than them having mount on you.

    Side Mount: Your are ontop of your opponent but are laying at right angles to them. This is a good position to rest for a second before you finish off your opponent. Also a good position for performing knees to the head.

    What To Do With Position:

    Now you know the basic positions (there are others, and variations of each) i will explain some of the things you can do from each one.

    "Ground n Pound": This is a common thing to do when you have your opponent on the ground. it is usually used in the mount, but can be utilized from the guard also. Basically you strike your opponent with punches/forearms/elbows etc until you can escape or they are knocked out/dazzed. To do this well just imagine you are fighting stand-up but are at the same range all the time with your opponent, you can use most of the same strikes, blocks, guard etc. Also pinning your opponents arm(s) to there body in various ways will also aid in you landing strikes.

    Submission: I would tend to use this less in a real situation because i personally find striking more practical on the ground. But if the situation presented itself a submission like a choke/armbar/leglock could be used. Just remember that your opponent isnt going to "tap-out" and you dont have time to sit around on the ground for an hour holding there arm in a lock. So if you are going to do it, make sure you cause them damage to the joint/limb.


    You can practice the positions/ground n pound on a heavy bag layed on the ground. Also grappling dummies are available (or you could make one with a jumper and some track pants stuffed and taped together). The best way by far to practice is to find a good grappling school and spar.

  • #2
    I don't understand why you wrote this on this forum.

    Maybe it could have been more helpful on something other than a MMA/BJJ forum.


    • #3

      you should talk with some evil dudes who street fought a lot and ask them what they think about ground fighting on the streets.

      Dont get me wrong I totally agree that in the realms of UFC and NHB ground wrestling is of upmost importance and I dont neglect the fact that we all should at least know a little ground skills so as protect oneself if they ever found themselves on theground, but! using ground fighting as a way to fight a street fight is ludicrous! simply put I think it way safer standing up and making sure I get out of what started quickly and safely.

      what if what if what if, dude, there are way more aggressive, unpredictable and downright nasty people who are very willing to pull dirty little moves on you than you may think.

      Thai Bri posted this site a while ago I think you should read it an get the "street fight" fantasy out of your head.

      If someone goes on me like they do in UFC mate they had better kill me because I will bite, gouge and grab objects to pound them with and not just lie there under tight restriction of rules! I sugest learning how to clinch WELL and use those skills to prevent you from going to the ground in a street altercation, then learn how to run fast.


      • #4
        Ground Grappling IS a part of Street Survival


        While bring on the ground in a street fight may not always be preferable knowing how to fight down there could save your life.

        What are you gonna do if some bigger , stronger guy suprise attacks you and wrestles you to the ground in a street situation. You need the ground fighting range to work your escapes and launch counters.

        Sure you can bite, but so can he, and if he was the aggressor I bet he thinks he has an advantage over you be it size, strength, weapons, or friends. So don't give me this I will bite , eye gouge bullshit.

        Sure I won't be able to defeat multiple attackers on the ground, but at least I can utilize my deadly chokes and bone breaking submissions to survive.... and survive is all I can ask for when my life's at stake..

        Maybe in your imaginary world you can throw a few jabs, bite and eye gouge and then run.. and do this against 2 or 3 opponents.... but you know what...




        • #5
          Originally posted by GuardMaster

          What are you gonna do if some bigger , stronger guy suprise attacks you and wrestles you to the ground in a street situation. You need the ground fighting range to work your escapes and launch counters.

          Sure you can bite, but so can he, and if he was the aggressor I bet he thinks he has an advantage over you be it size, strength, weapons, or friends. So don't give me this I will bite , eye gouge bullshit.

          Maybe in your imaginary world you can throw a few jabs, bite and eye gouge and then run.. and do this against 2 or 3 opponents.... but you know what...


          true mate, I dont disagree at all, I really dont.

          Eye gouging, by this I mean getting your thumb and sticking the damn thing into his eye, it works and has always been a dirty technique, you cannot say you have never tried sticking your fingers into the skull of someone via his eye holes, mate I have had my index finger chewed as I tried to pull a guys cheek off! he bit my finger. Some takedowns in Burmese Lethwie and Naban teach you to bite the f**kers nose of on the way down! not very hard to do and I think any man could perform it quite easily it only a question of "are you prepared to serve 6 months in prison?" after you do it.

          In my imaginary world I dont jab and slip I lift a big fucking stick and hammer the c**t and run like a mofo!


          • #6
            sorry guard master, I think you also have misunderstood what i have said, read all over again, now where do I say "dont learn how to ground grapple"?

            never once, I have said in not so many words "is it a wise idea to use ground grappling as a means of self defense?"

            Maybe if I explain exactly, I have heard a lot of times from pure ground grapplers that they wopuld simply "perform athrow and try to disable on takedown andthen mount and proceed to pound" In other words they are using ground grappling as a means of self defense.

            Now I know that knowing how to ground grapple will save your neck if you end up with a 200 pound crazy on top of you or someone who knows how to ground grapple, I aint denying that I am just asking if it is such a good idea to use ground grappling as primary technique for street selkf defense.

            It wasnt meant as a troll just a legitamate question. It seems some of ya all think i am saying DONT LEARN GROUND GRAPPLING or GROUND GRAPPLING IS CRAP, I am not.


            • #7
              What are you gonna do if some bigger , stronger guy suprise attacks you and wrestles you to the ground in a street situation.

              Ground skills have their use, I trained in BJJ, Judo and Sambo myself,
              but if I feel things are getting really bad for me on the ground my opponent will feel something sharp in his body very quickly.....

              I once talked to an Indonesian sailor who already killed quite a few peoples (he liked to show his scars, so I tend to believe him and other peoples in the bar we met were afraid of him), he actually would let grapplers take him down and then slip a knive into their kidneys while they tried their stuff.....
              My advice is if you are fighting in the street avoid getting on the ground, there are bad guys there not nice peoples like in the dojo....


              • #8
                Ground Grappling

                I think personally since most streetfights are *NOT* grappler versus grappler, and also "anybody can hit" so hitting is pretty useless for a number of reasons:

                #1 : It may escalate the situation and only anger your adversary, provoking him beyond what he may have actually done had you not hit, bite etc.

                #2 Some people have high pain tolerance to hitting , biting etc and if they're drunk or drugged it may not incapacitate him (A choke will, and so will a broken limb)

                Since few opponents will be aware of submissions, I feel within 10-15 seconds I will be successful with a submission hold, and believe me my game is submissions -- I'm not one of those "get the mount, and hold him till he's tired.... you've been watching too much of UFC 4 if you think that's how I fight".

                Having applied a submission my opponent will be unconscious or CRIPPLED within 30 seconds. With hitting or biting he *may* be hurt, but more likely PISSED even more.... and cop...... THEY DON'T LIKE TO SEE BLOOD...



                • #9
                  Originally posted by GuardMaster
                  I think personally since most streetfights are *NOT* grappler versus grappler, and also "anybody can hit" so hitting is pretty useless for a number of reasons:

                  #1 : It may escalate the situation and only anger your adversary, provoking him beyond what he may have actually done had you not hit, bite etc.

                  #2 Some people have high pain tolerance to hitting , biting etc and if they're drunk or drugged it may not incapacitate him (A choke will, and so will a broken limb)

                  Since few opponents will be aware of submissions, I feel within 10-15 seconds I will be successful with a submission hold, and believe me my game is submissions -- I'm not one of those "get the mount, and hold him till he's tired.... you've been watching too much of UFC 4 if you think that's how I fight".

                  Having applied a submission my opponent will be unconscious or CRIPPLED within 30 seconds. With hitting or biting he *may* be hurt, but more likely PISSED even more.... and cop...... THEY DON'T LIKE TO SEE BLOOD...


                  erhm, you think that a broken limb will incapacitate more than a punch to the face? people on speed have to be knocked dead out or choked out.. you can break their arm, and they'll hit you with the rests of it.. mmkey? you have obviously not tried to put a pair of cuffs on a speed junkie...

