Originally posted by FUH-Q
How many street fights have you had the pleasure of ending with your BJJ? be serious...... you know what I am getting at? And I dont mean to offend you but you have to ask yourself when you fight who is it you are fighting? if its friends then sure restrain them on the ground if its not friends and its people you have never met then dude do the right thing and use BJJ to get yourself back on your feet not to end the fight cos I can guarantee you take anyone down here in my home expect boots in the head or a hard object to come down on you, infact you could almost expect that standing up, but people tend to be more catious when your up and facing them!
I have done a wee bit of research and it seems in many states in USA choking someone out or breaking bones will land you in jail quicker than KO'ing someone with a strike of the fist (how do they know it was an elbow?)
dude if you feel that when you are about to fight someone and you think "he's better than me at fighting" then why are you fighting?