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my g/f tried BJJ for the first time on Sunday

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  • my g/f tried BJJ for the first time on Sunday

    she's been doing tai chi with me for almost 6 months and i've slowly worked her into external. she really enjoys standup, especially knifing (but now i have to watch her around the kitchen ) and on Sunday our Sifu asked if she'd like to partake in some BJJ...

    overall i think she saw just how much i've been going through. The workout is right after tai chi and it makes it about a 4 hour session.

    i of course, didn't get to roll with her, but there was this other 'cute' girl there that she got to play with.... damm that was a turn on... but besides that my sifu rolled with her a bit and put her in a rear naked choke...

    scared the living crap out of her! she told me it was really terrifying and almost cried...

    and then came the realization that i'd never seen before... a lot of people panic when they get submissions put on them and they don't like the feeling of being immobilize, but then we got to talking and i showed her that it is all part of it's effectiveness. what other art instantly disables a person as quick as submission fighting? that's the point -

    so hopefully she'll return one day, has anyone else gotten their lady to kick it on the mat?


  • #2
    im still trying to get a lady to kick it with me in stand up alone man!


    • #3
      My girl has been doing BJJ for awhile and is getting pretty good. I haven't got any advice for keeping your lady at it though... And I can see how it could get pretty uncomfortable for a woman in a all male grappling class. It's too bad too, because like you said, the SD aspect is great.

      I know, I know... nobody should go to the ground in a self defense situation... but it happens, right? And it probably could happen to women more often than to men. If she knows how to gulliotine AND kick nads, all the better.


      • #4
        Originally posted by tekshow
        Sunday our Sifu asked if she'd like to partake in some BJJ... sifu rolled with her a bit and put her in a rear naked choke...

        ... a lot of people panic when they get submissions put on them and they don't like the feeling of being immobilize...
        Dude, sifu or not, why are you standing around letting this guy screw around with your woman?!? Here's a buck, go get a clue!

        Just kidding!

        Regarding the panicky feeling of being submitted, I've had my tap-out ignored a few times on the premise that it's important to have the full experience without the option of quitting. Ugh! It gives you an appreciation of the saying "Losing is not an option."


        • #5
          One great thing about BJJ is it is very realistic rape defense.... I mean your girl is pretty much in the rape position when she has someone in her guard....


          • #6

            Thats a good point badger. My ex girlfriend got with a new guy a while ago and said she didn't want to have sex and she said she was scared he would rape her cause he really wanted to have sex, first thing I said was take BJJ classes.


            • #7
              Hey man that's real shitty advice. She is scared that her own bf is going to rape her?!?! How about "dump that guy"?!?!?


              • #8
                I'm with Ben here. That was some pretty horrible advice, Turing. A few weeks of BJJ will save her (someone who is likely not very aggressive and athletic) from rape by someone larger and stronger than she is... For God's sake, convince her to drop that guy, and fast.
                Last edited by ryanhall; 12-17-2003, 04:54 PM. Reason: spelling and one more comment


                • #9
                  Turing, aren't you a little young to be dating? Its NOMB anyway, but are you suprised to find your girlfriend in the arms of a potentially harmfull person?

                  Some women are attracted to bad guys. The kinda guys who have a hint of danger and get themselves into trouble.

                  If this guy wants to get on with her and she doesn't want it, she'll leave or ask her friends how to dump him. If she lets it happen and doesn't do anything about it, she'll either regret it later or get into the habit of chasing bad guys.

                  Its your call kid.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Benjamin Dover
                    Hey man that's real shitty advice. She is scared that her own bf is going to rape her?!?! How about "dump that guy"?!?!?
                    I think maybe Turing is being sarcastic! no?


                    • #11
                      If it was one of my ex gf's i'd say "tuff luck, biotch!"

