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Best martial art in the old times

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  • Best martial art in the old times

    If you knew you were going to get transfered back in time to china in the old days of ninjas and sholin monks, what martial art would you learn now and you can only pick one. Keep in mind everyone back then was fighting with kung fu i believe.


  • #2
    Well taking into consideration that ninjas dont exist. Kung fu is the most complete martial art really. It has different styles for many situations so that is what I would pick.


    • #3
      Hmmm, I would Praying Mantis, hungar or wingchun (I just can't decide )


      • #4
        correction, ninja do exist

        Originally posted by shadowkiller
        Well taking into consideration that ninjas dont exist. Kung fu is the most complete martial art really. It has different styles for many situations so that is what I would pick.
        Ninja do exist, why? because it is the one of the enemy of the Samurai Soldiers in the old Japan.

        Samurai and Shogun are the military of the Japan Government


        Ninja's are the rebels who hide in mountains or any places who oppose to the government, it is the one of the Samurai's top opponents.


        • #5
          another thing.....

          Originally posted by IPON
          Hmmm, I would Praying Mantis, hungar or wingchun (I just can't decide )
          Praying Mantis, Hung Gar, Wing Chun and Other KungFu Styles and Systems are the most top, the most effective forms of martial arts even today. Especially TaiChiChuan. All of them belongs to the category of KungFu.


          • #6
            Hsing I Chuan and Ba gua - They defeated ALL!!!!! Mwwwahahahaha

            Guo Yun Shen was da man! As was Dong Hai Chuan!

            Ninja do exist, why? because it is the one of the enemy of the Samurai Soldiers in the old Japan.
            That is laughabley inaccurate!

            Ninja were used BY Samurai / Bushi they were not the enimies of them - you have watched too many films.

            Ninja were used as mersonaries for japanese warlords. With a lower level of skill in comparison to the average bushi (regarding unarmed/armed combat) - they would generally loose if in a face to face encounter with a Bushi.

            But ... they were rarley in this situation and would generally use poisoning, concealment etc etc. Ninja were Highly effective at what they did and were far more expendable than a bushi so they were used to fullfill a need.



            • #7
              Originally posted by chris davis 200
              Hsing I Chuan and Ba gua - They defeated ALL!!!!! Mwwwahahahaha

              Guo Yun Shen was da man! As was Dong Hai Chuan!

              That is laughabley inaccurate!

              Ninja were used BY Samurai / Bushi they were not the enimies of them - you have watched too many films.

              Ninja were used as mersonaries for japanese warlords. With a lower level of skill in comparison to the average bushi (regarding unarmed/armed combat) - they would generally loose if in a face to face encounter with a Bushi.

              But ... they were rarley in this situation and would generally use poisoning, concealment etc etc. Ninja were Highly effective at what they did and were far more expendable than a bushi so they were used to fullfill a need.

              So, that's the true story before... i thought that i was right cause in the movies and in the book of Sanada Ninjutsu which i buy in department store. Another thing that book said is thats the reason why ninjas used ninja sword because the samurai's sword cannot match the ninja in a tight fit room to room alley cause the samurai sword is in the dis-advantages situation because their samurai sword si too long.


              • #8
                Ref: the sword work - this is not really true - the Ninjato was shorter and straight for ease of carrying, within trees etc.

                But indoors the Samurai would not wear their long sword generally and would only have their wakizashi (short sword with them). The wakizashi was generally of better quality than that of a Ninjato and was also shorter. A bushi was generally a far superior swordsman. The use of a Ninjato would have been more of a last resort for a retreating ninja - rather than a stand and fight sort of thing - generally the ninja would loose to the Bushi - even in an enclosed room.

                Ninja were far more skilled than bushi at what they did - but this was rairly actual combat - in a classical man vrs man sence.



                • #9
                  I would take todays mixed martial arts style back. Those Kung Pooh dudes will take a beating, LOL!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by jdog55
                    If you knew you were going to get transfered back in time to china in the old days of ninjas and sholin monks, what martial art would you learn now and you can only pick one. Keep in mind everyone back then was fighting with kung fu i believe.


                    I would take a few automatic weapons (and lots of ammo) and take over the place!


                    • #11
                      Chi bounces bullets away - didnt you know that?



                      • #12
                        how about if....

                        Originally posted by jubaji
                        I would take a few automatic weapons (and lots of ammo) and take over the place!
                        How about if i will wait you till you fall asleep and get all your automatic weapons and ammo's too, this let your weapons kill you, then when you hit with your weapons on both of your feet, i will gonna apply my WingChun and GoChoKun KungFu into your both arms and for a last resort with a TaiChiChuan in your chest?

                        you know....

                        if you prefer guns vs martial arts?

                        i'll prefer AK-47 automatic rifle vs your single shot guns with full of ammo

                        Most of the people prefer guns against MartialArts. It is a narrow minded person who claims it. They see only flowers after they see branches, they did not see the trunk before the root.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by sherwinc
                          Most of the people prefer guns against MartialArts. It is a narrow minded person who claims it. They see only flowers after they see branches, they did not see the trunk before the root.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sherwinc
                            Ninja's are the rebels who hide in mountains or any places who oppose to the government, it is the one of the Samurai's top opponents.

                            .... in the movie, the last samurai.... yeahhh, good flick though,

                            i'd take Tai Chi - but man, grappling has origins in Egypt and Italy, i'd take up some skills there...

                            cause at the time, Tai Chi was only standing postures and the forms came later... either way, i'm sure it existed. If Lao Tze and the way was prevalent there had to be some Tai Chi somewhere...



                            • #15
                              Muai Thai and old Jiu-jitsu.

