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Clinch or takedown

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  • Clinch or takedown

    What do you guys prefer, takedown from the clinch or taking them down?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be
    What do you guys prefer, takedown from the clinch or taking them down?

    not much difference take down from the clinch when your opponent is not clinging like a lech, take them down with you if your opponent is clinging on just make sure you`er on top. Clinch only when you are out of stamina


    • #3
      Well when I say takedown from the clinch, I mean trips, lateral drops, etc.


      • #4
        I personally prefer the clinch takedown, although I can do a normal take-down manuever. I just find it easier to manage the person I am grappling with from the clinch position; but maybe that is because I am usually taller than the people I wrestle with. *shrugs*


        • #5
          I prefer a clinch. A good clinch will lead to a takedown or a throw, and if you can clinch his head theres some good chances to knee him. My shot is not very good at all. I never did wrestling. So normal takedowns don't work to well for me.


          • #6
            I prefer takedowns... but I find the bear hug quite usefull if my opponent doesn't know how to grapple or is lighter.....


            • #7
              id rather go into a clinch then a takedown.. seems like a better method than just a takedown.. depends on the situation though but overall id rather clinch and takedown than just go for the takedown


              • #8
                Originally posted by konghan View Post
                Clinch only when you are out of stamina
                Wow, that was a dopey old comment.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Bjjexpertise@be View Post
                  Well when I say takedown from the clinch, I mean trips, lateral drops, etc.
                  Well when you go for those moves you are also vulnerable to get tossed on your ass also, so takedowns are more reliable, unless youre a black belt in Judo


                  • #10
                    A pathetic fish like you is gonna end up on his ass either way.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jubaji View Post
                      A pathetic fish like you is gonna end up on his ass either way.
                      Yeah that happens when you train in the advanced class with brown and black belts, keep it up and someday you will get out of the beginners class too, wait, its you we're talking about, nevermind, you'll never advance as dumb, lazy, and mentally challenged as you are. The instructor gives you stripes so you think youre advancing but really he feels sorry for you. LOL, what a tool. you come on here and act like you know something, but exposed youve been, tool. bahhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa hahahahahhahhah LMAO white belt lol


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MasterGrappler View Post
                        Yeah that happens when you train in the advanced class with brown and black belts

                        Meaning you aren't. You're just some fish who gets tossed around by his betters, most of whom probably aren't all that good at takedowns themselves.



                        • #13
                          While I like doing takedowns I would have to say the clinch. The clinch is definately my favorite to work, especially if you are on the street. If you train your clinch you can really work a guy over in that position on top of being able to take them down. The main reason I have found that people do not like being in the clinch is because they have no footwork. When you are in the clinch YOU HAVE to use footwork to beat your opponent. You can not just stand still or you will eat alot of strikes and it will be easier to take you down. If you use your footwork to move your opponent around it is harder for them to set you up for a takedown and strikes.

                          I say this knowing that someone will come back and say that I need to work on my shoot in or that I need to work on my takedowns. Well, I am constantly working on my takedowns and I have trained with some really good boxers in order to improve my shoot in and my takedowns and I have trained in bjj for a good bit but I still prefer the clinch.

                          Sorry guys, but I hope this does not come across as being rude or arrogant.


                          • #14
                            For pretty much all takedowns you have to get some sort of clinch even if its just grabbing someone's arm. But by "takedown", i assume you mean shooting at someone's legs. And if youre good at doing that, chances are youre good at clinch takedowns too.


                            • #15
                              Clinch man myself, fear my no gi judo! RAR!

