Originally posted by odensjakt
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Do you think UFC is real or faked like WWF
Originally posted by guy incognitoMate noone has steped into the ring against a tong long fighter.What are oyu talking about?
Originally posted by IPONHmmm, I am not completely sure about that I do think that there were some (1 or 2) Mantis fighters in the earlier UFC at least qualififying matches. But honestly, and not to sound like a hypocrite, but the way you are making the statement I would say that praying mantis fighters should compete in PRIDE or UFC if they want to make a statement.
how wrong i am about what the rules in the 1st ufc or the eye gouge ? if your life is on the line and you get an eye gouge your going to just give up ?? i wish the link to another post i had about eye gouges still worked so you could read it and get a better understanding.. basically it says if your life is in grave danger then thats not going to be enough to stop anyone.. it wouldnt stop me i know that.. even if i had both eyes outta there sockets im going to fight until i get killed i aint going to give up.
The first UFC up till now did not allow elbow strikes to the back of the head, neck or spine. A person does not need to resort to eye gouges. Sprawling and coming down with well placed elbows would sort out most grapplers. But since the UFC does not allow those rules grapplers will always have an unfair advantage.
Now before you try your rebuttal, I am a grappler. I agree with these rules because quite simply the UFC is entertainment. To do some serious damage like an elbow to the back of the neck, head or spine is unnecessary.
if your life is on the line and you get an eye gouge your going to just give up ?? i wish the link to another post i had about eye gouges still worked so you could read it and get a better understanding.. basically it says if your life is in grave danger then thats not going to be enough to stop anyone.. it wouldnt stop me i know that.. even if i had both eyes outta there sockets im going to fight until i get killed i aint going to give up.
If one of your eyes is pierced you are f...ed, it will break your will at least for a few seconds unless you are hign on drugs..... you won't think about what's going around you or the situation, only the pain and shock will matter....
...even supposing you recover the will to fight after a few seconds your opponent will have such an edge over you that you won't be able to do much to counter his next attacks..... how will you be able to see the next blow coming? Do you think you will be able to react quickly enough? Try boxing with your eyes closed, or sparing against an armed opponent with closed eyes....
I've seenpeoples stroke in the eyes, even one holding a stick once, and their first reaction was to bring their hands back over their eye while screaming.....
Look at what animals are doing, many animals (snakes, birds....) attack other animals eyes first because they know this will end the fight....
'K, so I hate to point this out, but everybody has needs to re-read the thread starter post which asks if UFC is staged like WWF (or WWE, or whatever it is this week).
It does not ask if UFC is the best measure of a fighters ability, it asks if the fights are staged.... To which my response is:
Are you freakin serious?
Troll bait.
Originally posted by FootworkThe first UFC up till now did not allow elbow strikes to the back of the head, neck or spine. A person does not need to resort to eye gouges. Sprawling and coming down with well placed elbows would sort out most grapplers. But since the UFC does not allow those rules grapplers will always have an unfair advantage.
Now before you try your rebuttal, I am a grappler. I agree with these rules because quite simply the UFC is entertainment. To do some serious damage like an elbow to the back of the neck, head or spine is unnecessary.
actually elbow strikes were permitted in the early UFC's i dont know when they regulated it but they did. ex.. UFC 2 theres a black kickboxer named orlando weit.. it shows how he got the coninue from the earlier bouts (which arent in the video) but it shows a small clip of how he won the earlier fight.. and he was elbowing the crap out of this guys spine and neck..this wasn't illegal.. the ref didnt stop or say anything.. it was legal. but yes now it is. but hasnt always been.
Friend by proxy:
I haven't been taking MMA classes that long (about a year and a half) but I do know two people who have participated in the UFC. One of them is my teacher (Dave Strasser) and the other has only been in one UFC fight, but he's been in other tournaments like it. There's one thing to be sure of: It hurts... very badly if you're in the wrong place. What's this I hear some of you saying about grappling being perfect for the UFC, because there's less of a chance you can hurt someone with it? Before you say that, get yourself put in an arm bar, or a triangle choke. Then tell me you can't get hurt by it. I've been put in both, and the arm bar can break your arm, and the triangle can choke you so hard your eyes pop out (not kidding).
This thread is pretty strange. The first UFC has no biting or eye gouging as the only two rules but they were not illegal. You had to give the UFC some money if they were broken but they would not stop the match. Gerard Gordeau bit and eye gouged gracie but the match was not stopped. As a result Gracie chocked Gordeau 10 more seconds after he tapped for revenge. Seriously when was the last time you saw a person get knocked out with an eye gouge or bite? They are painful but a solid punch hurts more. What is with these dudes saying "well my friend pocked himself in the eye with a stick once and it hurt him" That was not a fight, no adrenaline, no rush, just because he did not fight with the stick anymore does not mean it will happen in a real fight or it will be stopped. Frank Shamrock was eye gouged but did he stop? No. Gerard Gordeau eye gouged a person in the Japan vale tudo championships but did the guy stop fighting? No, Tank Abbot has eye gouged someone deeply but did the guy stop fighting? No. I have never seen some dude stop fighting because of an eye gouge or bite. So what is what is with all these people saying it will just because his "friend" accidently poked his eye once and he put his hands up. Its ridiculous.
Originally posted by krysI've seenpeoples stroke in the eyes, even one holding a stick once, and their first reaction was to bring their hands back over their eye while screaming.....
Look at what animals are doing, many animals (snakes, birds....) attack other animals eyes first because they know this will end the fight....
Originally posted by CKDRead my post before this. It most likely will not end a fight and animals ussaully keep on going. How many people have you seen knocked out because of a friggin eye gouge? I never seen an animal end it like that and I lived in places with plenty of wildlife and seen the animals fight.
.....................A passenger on a London bus has had his eye gouged out following an argument over a seat.
Police said the 30-year-old man lost his right eye after another passenger ripped at it with his bare hands.
The attack is believed to have happened shortly after the number 36 bus crossed the Vauxhall bridge over the river Thames and travelled into south London.
The victim, from Lewisham in south-east London, had apparently been involved in a minor argument with a group of youths over a seat.
Following the attack he was taken to hospital where his right eye was removed.
Doctors say the vision in his left eye may also be damaged.
Officers investigating the attack said a 17-year-old youth who was arrested at the scene has been bailed to return to a south London police station.
What happened in those UFC were not deliberate attempts to pierce eyes, were there eyes pierced in the examples you cited?
If you thrust your fingers full force through somebody's eyes this will pierce them...I have already gouged eyes with my hands and a stick also and the fight was over .... Why do you think eye gouges are found in nearly every martial art and combative course? I can't believe you guys serioulsy think you would be able to continue fighting efficiently as if nothing happened with your eyes pierced or hanging out of the sockets....
Rats will try to jump at your eyes, they actually blind birds/chicken and kill them afterwards, snakes attack the eyes of their prey or to defend themselves, spliting sometimes poison.... I have already seen crows attack piglets blinding them.....many smaller animals will attack the eyes of a predator/bigger animal....
And if you can stop a crocodile by gouging it's eyes chances are it will stop a man...
"Then it quit. It just let go, but then came back for another go at me. It grabbed my left arm. And into my memory flashed the scene from the movie Deep Blue Sea. With my right hand, I gouged its eye with my finger. The last time I kept it there for a couple of seconds. Then the crocodile jerked away. It turned, and was gone."
Australian crocodile expert Graham Webb told the All Africa website: "He's incredibly lucky to be alive. Within seconds, the crocodile would have gone into a 'death roll' and drowned the boy before eating him."
Originally posted by krysRats will try to jump at your eyes, they actually blind birds/chicken and kill them afterwards, snakes attack the eyes of their prey or to defend themselves, spliting sometimes poison.... I have already seen crows attack piglets blinding them.....many smaller animals will attack the eyes of a predator/bigger animal....
Now, let's take another example, except this time the prey will be attacking. Some random bird and its nesting grounds are attacked by a predator. The bird pecks at the eyes of the predator before fluttering away to a safer haven. What happened? The predator lost its eyesight. Why did the bird attack the predator's eyes? So that the predator could not attack or follow the bird effectively. Does the predator lose its will to fight for food? No, it's still hungry, and it'll do what it takes to eat, because it must.
Now, one person attacking the eyes of another, who's to say exactly what will happen? You can't, and you certainly can't say that one thing will happen -every- time.
The attack could score a hit, but unsuccessful at causing any permanent damage: Congratulations, you have successfully pissed off your opponent more.
The attack scores a hit, and permanently damage's your opponent's eyesight: Your opponent has become afraid for his life. Two things could happen here. He could break and cower in fear, hoping for mercy. Or, he could assume the worst will happen, that you will continue to attack him. His baser instincts will probably force him into a fear-induced madness bent on either killing you or damaging you enough to give him a chance to run away.
The attack misses completely: Any number of things could happen. The fight could continue or stop. The opponent could throw something as or more damaging back at you.