Originally posted by MMARuss
2) by imobilisation: they expect to maim the prey immobilizing it: case of rats eating eyes of birds, snake hitting monkeys in their eyes, these animals don't want their prey to strugle and get injured.... this is the same for white sharks, they usually bite their prey once then release it because they don't want the seal to bite, waiting that they bleed to death nearby as they can't go very far.....
Now, let's take another example, except this time the prey will be attacking. Some random bird and its nesting grounds are attacked by a predator. The bird pecks at the eyes of the predator before fluttering away to a safer haven. What happened? The predator lost its eyesight. Why did the bird attack the predator's eyes? So that the predator could not attack or follow the bird effectively. Does the predator lose its will to fight for food? No, it's still hungry, and it'll do what it takes to eat, because it must.
Now, one person attacking the eyes of another, who's to say exactly what will happen? You can't, and you certainly can't say that one thing will happen -every- time.
forgot to add that in the 1st ufc the only rule was no eye gouging. and besides that wouldnt stop ANYONE in a life or death situation.
I've never pierced an eye myself but know somebody in the army who did, it was a success as he was able to defend himself against multiple attackers, only pb he got three years jail for it because the judge considered he knew martial arts and was considered like weapon carriying for this ....During organised fights it happened that I brushed my oponent's eye, mine got brushed to on another occasion.... it wasn't a life and death situation but even at this light stage it isn't really pleasant and gives a lot of opportunities for follow ups...
The attack could score a hit, but unsuccessful at causing any permanent damage: Congratulations, you have successfully pissed off your opponent more.
Well a fight is a fight, there are no rules in the street, with somebody you don't know you can't expect your opponent to fight fairly or limits to the damages... if he kicks and I fall on my head I may be dead .... if he lands the perfect kick on my knee I won't be able to walk properly afterwards..... what if he pulls a knive if he feels he is loosing?
The attack scores a hit, and permanently damage's your opponent's eyesight: Your opponent has become afraid for his life. Two things could happen here. He could break and cower in fear, hoping for mercy.
Or, he could assume the worst will happen, that you will continue to attack him. His baser instincts will probably force him into a fear-induced madness bent on either killing you or damaging you enough to give him a chance to run away.
The attack misses completely: Any number of things could happen. The fight could continue or stop. The opponent could throw something as or more damaging back at you.