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Do you think UFC is real or faked like WWF

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  • Do you think UFC is real or faked like WWF

    Do you think UFC is real.I cant beleive so many think it is!Its staged just like WWF! Yes or No?
    Yes its faked
    No its a true test of combat arts

    The poll is expired.

  • #2
    Who think that it is fake? Also, if UFC goes the way of boxing there could certainly be "fixed" fights now that there is a judges rule


    • #3
      I dont beleive that UFC is real thats all(as a true test of fighting skills,Its in a controlled environment)Its just like any other tournament.Rules are in place to prevent people being injured therefore its not a true test of a fighting art.


      • #4
        Originally posted by guy incognito
        I dont beleive that UFC is real thats all(as a true test of fighting skills,Its in a controlled environment)Its just like any other tournament.Rules are in place to prevent people being injured therefore its not a true test of a fighting art.
        I would have to completely agree with you. The UFC although intertaining, is in no way a viable means of gauging the prowess of a real fighter or fighting art. It is no secret that in UFC 1 the Gracies were able to influence the rules enough to give BJJ an unfair advantage, because several realistic defenses for grappling are disallowed in UFC. They were able to market BJJ through UFC, and to that end they were very sucessful. However, the fact still remains that this, or any other tourney that is bound by rules or regulations, is in no way a judge for fighting prowess.


        • #5
          Smart reply smartfighter!UFC is just that ENTERTAINMENT nothing more.


          • #6

            Grappling defenses? Like what? Poking the other guy in the eye when he shoots. Get a wreselter and try it sometime...

            MMA is as close to the reality of a 1 v 1 unarmed encounter as we can safely get. That's a fact. If you think that groin kicking and eye poking would favorably affect the outcome of a fight for far less skilled fighters, you're way off.


            • #7
              whoever thinks its fake is misunderstood.. has anyone watched the early UFC's ? you cannot tell me that its fake... i mean there are more rules now because of soo many injuries.. i personally dont like the new ones as much and i see a little what you mean about being fake.. but when watching like UFC 1-10 theres no doubt that its all real.. but i do agree that its like a boxing match being soo many more rules and all but there are reasons that they add the restrictions.. but regardless its still 100% real I.M.O


              • #8
                NO grappling is better for UFC crap because theres less chance of actually hurting anyone!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ryanhall

                  Grappling defenses? Like what? Poking the other guy in the eye when he shoots. Get a wreselter and try it sometime...

                  MMA is as close to the reality of a 1 v 1 unarmed encounter as we can safely get. That's a fact. If you think that groin kicking and eye poking would favorably affect the outcome of a fight for far less skilled fighters, you're way off.
                  I guess we'll never know as long as rules allow grapplers or any style of fighter an unrealistic safety net, and yes a grappler would have a hard time staying mounted with one eye missing or a portion of his face bitten off.


                  • #10
                    I cant beleive that some think its a real test.Bullshit. i guess you guys beleive in santa to!


                    • #11
                      Eye gouge while being mounted...good luck. You've never done any grappling, have you? The person with the superior position will be in the best position to do all the nasty stuff they want while you won't be able to move an inch to stop them. Skill with delivery systems means that you can do basically whatever you want to someone without that same skill. The reverse is not true.


                      • #12
                        Close to reality? There is curently no tourney remotely close to an actual combat scenario. Those things are sport, and sport only. Nothing at all like being suddenly attacked or multiply attacked. Not to mention the plethora of other emotions and adrenal reactions that come from a real attack scene.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Smart Fighter
                          The UFC although intertaining, is in no way a viable means of gauging the prowess of a real fighter or fighting art.
                          how do you figure this ? the first ufc's had 1 rule and that was no eye gouging. your saying that thats not the closest to a real fight as you can get ?? yeah of course UFC is entertainment.. so is a real fight in the street that people watch its just entertainment.. doesnt mean its not violent or real..


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by guy incognito
                            Smart reply smartfighter!UFC is just that ENTERTAINMENT nothing more.

                            everything is entertainment real or fake.. so when you a highschool fight entertainment and nothing more... but its real... thats sort of an ignorant comment in my opinion for you to say that.. im not trying to put you down but your comment..entertainment is what satisfy peoples minds. and fighting for men happen to be one of them


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by alwaysmixwell
                              whoever thinks its fake is misunderstood.. has anyone watched the early UFC's ? you cannot tell me that its fake... i mean there are more rules now because of soo many injuries.. i personally dont like the new ones as much and i see a little what you mean about being fake.. but when watching like UFC 1-10 theres no doubt that its all real.. but i do agree that its like a boxing match being soo many more rules and all but there are reasons that they add the restrictions.. but regardless its still 100% real I.M.O
                              forgot to add that in the 1st ufc the only rule was no eye gouging. and besides that wouldnt stop ANYONE in a life or death situation.

