Here is what I found:
"More great news!
Redox Brands inc. makers of Biz & Oxidal are sponsoring another Extreme Challenge. Their sponsorship of the Eco Challenge was a huge success and now they sponsoring the Arnold's with the Biz & Oxidal Extreme Challenge.
Now every single competitor, pro and amateur at this years Arnold's has a chance to win $3000! White belts, blue belts, purple belts, brown belts, black belts and no belts you all have a shot at winning $3000 and if you fight no gi you could win another $3000.
Here is how it's going to work. The CEO of Redox Brands Inc. is training Jiu Jitsu and is almost a blue belt. He has come up with a great deal for Arnold's competitors. The CEO of Biz & Oxidal is putting it all on the line against one of you. You can sign up to win a drawing to fight him in a 5 minute gi match on Saturday afternoon. To win the $3000 prize you have to tap the over weight, white belt CEO out in 5 minutes or less.
If gi is not your game then no big deal. You can win $3000 on Sunday too! To win $3000 all you have to do is not get tapped out in under 8 minutes! Only problem is this match will be against an Abu Dhabi champion!
So can you do it? Sign up at weigh ins while you watch the rules tape.
This should prove to be very amusing! "
This doesn't include the pro-No-Gi, the Pro-Gi either. THAT'S A WHOLE LOT OF $! Attend this years Arnolds!
"More great news!
Redox Brands inc. makers of Biz & Oxidal are sponsoring another Extreme Challenge. Their sponsorship of the Eco Challenge was a huge success and now they sponsoring the Arnold's with the Biz & Oxidal Extreme Challenge.
Now every single competitor, pro and amateur at this years Arnold's has a chance to win $3000! White belts, blue belts, purple belts, brown belts, black belts and no belts you all have a shot at winning $3000 and if you fight no gi you could win another $3000.
Here is how it's going to work. The CEO of Redox Brands Inc. is training Jiu Jitsu and is almost a blue belt. He has come up with a great deal for Arnold's competitors. The CEO of Biz & Oxidal is putting it all on the line against one of you. You can sign up to win a drawing to fight him in a 5 minute gi match on Saturday afternoon. To win the $3000 prize you have to tap the over weight, white belt CEO out in 5 minutes or less.
If gi is not your game then no big deal. You can win $3000 on Sunday too! To win $3000 all you have to do is not get tapped out in under 8 minutes! Only problem is this match will be against an Abu Dhabi champion!
So can you do it? Sign up at weigh ins while you watch the rules tape.
This should prove to be very amusing! "
This doesn't include the pro-No-Gi, the Pro-Gi either. THAT'S A WHOLE LOT OF $! Attend this years Arnolds!