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BJJ Against a Larger Opponent

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  • BJJ Against a Larger Opponent

    I stopped training BJJ a year ago and only began taking it up again. I didn't notice this in the past, but now it seems I'm having lots of trouble with larger opponents. I realize that I'm not as conditioned as before, but I'm getting man-handled by guys that are bigger than me.

    I find myself exerting too much strength and energy... Perhaps I should be more reactive? Any advice would be helpful...

    Paul Stevens

  • #2
    Work technique and don't try to overpower anyone. Keep in mind that, with equal skill, the stronger person will tend to win most of the time. Try to train w/out using your attributes (speed, strength, etc.). Instead, focus on clean technique and timing rather than just forcing things.


    • #3
      take a private lesson to get you back on track. The sooner you find the right techniques the sooner you will quit having a hard time. Try covering going to the back from guard & 1/2 guard, practice your basic submissions from the guard. I tried to PM you but it didn't work for some reason.


      • #4
        I'm about 220lbs so I used my strength and weight a lot when I first started. I was able to kill people with the same experience level, and able to hold my own a while before tapping to the more advanced guys. We have a guy that's a diesel 270lbs blue-belt that would just kill me. He would always take top position, and there was nothing really to do but tap. He's one of those guys that's willing to help you out, so I asked him why he was able to beat me so easily(aside from the obvious) and he said it was my positioning. Whenever I was on bottom I had my back flat to the mat, I never tried to shift to one hip or the other to keep him from pancacking me to the ground. I know that's basic technique, but it hadn't been a problem before so I never really paid that much attention to it. I don't beat him on a regular basis or anything like that now, but I'm at least able to keep him from tapping me every time, and when he does it he has to put in some work.


        • #5
          Thanks for the advice guys... I've been doing BJJ off and on for several years, but this has been the longest that I've been away. I'm not particularly big, just 5'9", 180 lb., but I'm fairly strong. In the beginning, I had no problems with guys my size or larger, but it was mainly because I was stronger. Now, everyone is pretty good so I'm having trouble with the larger guys who understand how to use their weight and size advantage.

          Judging from what you guys have suggested, I need to go back to the basics and start drilling good techniques.


          • #6
            Great thread

            It's good to see I am not the only one with this problem. I am about 175 and usually don't have too many problems with people lighter than me of the same experience level, but I get worked by guys over 200lbs. I end up immediately going into a defensive mode and many times can't hold a dominant position for more than a couple of seconds when I do actually get it. I have been working on rolling with stronger & heavier guys to get me out of the "muscling" habit.

            Thanks for the tips.


