As the title says Brazilian Capoeira. All I know bout it iz thatz a flashy dance that was developed like a MA system? In Brazil (where it was borned) it iz banned!
I look at the Capoeiristaz dance and it lookz like super MA; it iz effective and fancy. I mean jus' look at it, dont u want to learn it? That iz like all MA should be. Yeah.....
....back to reality
No comment: Jus' compare it w/ MT....
However, I constantly hear that Capoeira in brazil is sumthin bigger then jiu-jitsu (unbelievable?) I hear that Street Capoeirista is much bigger then Lewis in UK. Street Capoerista can make that dance become lethal.
Aaaahhhh Brazilianz!... U have to share yo experience w/ me!
Did u saw Capo-street-fight, then u should tell me how does it looks and what it is all bout, yeah. How is it different from boxin, thai boxin, Judo, etc. If u heard a story about it and u think it iz real stuff, post it here!
P.S. ANythin that iz real bout Martial Capoeira should be posted here
I look at the Capoeiristaz dance and it lookz like super MA; it iz effective and fancy. I mean jus' look at it, dont u want to learn it? That iz like all MA should be. Yeah.....

....back to reality

No comment: Jus' compare it w/ MT....
However, I constantly hear that Capoeira in brazil is sumthin bigger then jiu-jitsu (unbelievable?) I hear that Street Capoeirista is much bigger then Lewis in UK. Street Capoerista can make that dance become lethal.
Aaaahhhh Brazilianz!... U have to share yo experience w/ me!
Did u saw Capo-street-fight, then u should tell me how does it looks and what it is all bout, yeah. How is it different from boxin, thai boxin, Judo, etc. If u heard a story about it and u think it iz real stuff, post it here!
P.S. ANythin that iz real bout Martial Capoeira should be posted here