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Anyone watch the ufc?

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  • Anyone watch the ufc?

    Be interested to hear your thoughts on tonight's ufc....

  • #2
    i thought it was cool. i kinda had a feeling chuck was going to win though.. he sure kicked the crap out of tito in the 2nd round.. and that KO mike kyles has on wes sims ! WOW ! he had those bite marks though and im not sure when they happened.. the mike said that it was when wes had the choke but the only way teeth marks like that are going to show is if you bite someone.. but over i liked it !! i cant wait to see kimo and kenny in UFC 48 ! my $ is on kenny though. id like to see what kimo has picked up though since UFC 8 with ken.. im out like tito ortiz in tonights fight


    • #3
      I dont really like UFC, Thiers too much ground grappling and its all a bit gay to me.


      • #4
        double post*


        • #5
          Originally posted by Karate_kid
          I dont really like UFC, Thiers too much ground grappling and its all a bit gay to me.
          of course grapplings gay to you because you dont do it...... but i dont think anything is gay that makes people give up or get their bones broken

          about UFC tonight.... i thought it was pretty good.... on the ortiz fight i thought he should have taken him to the ground, but i give him props for stepping up to chuck like that....


          • #6
            Originally posted by Karate_kid
            I dont really like UFC, Thiers too much ground grappling and its all a bit gay to me.
            you sound like your honestly 15 years old by your comment. how is 2 sweaty men on top of one another gay ? well with a name like karate kid i guess it kinda explains things a little more.


            • #7
              Oh man, Iam so pissed! I was so hyped up to see it, we all went over to my instructors house, ordered it and nothing but a black screen. We were like WTF and called Adelphia and they said they were having problems with that channel and they cannot do nothing till tomarrow, POS Adelphia, damn monopoly.


              • #8
                Tito did try to shoot a couple times but couldn't find the right timing to catch him. As far as Simms getting bit, I find it pretty suspect to say that it was a mouthpiece being smashed against his chest. I've had people in that position plenty of times and have never had a mark. I'll bet no one here has either.


                • #9
                  Here is the finishing touch.
                  Last edited by Tom Yum; 12-24-2006, 02:19 AM.


                  • #10
                    I knew Liddel was going to win. If Couture couldn't keep Liddel down, you knew Tito couldn't. And you knew Tito couldn't out-punch Liddel ... so how could Tito win?

                    On a second note, I thought Yves looked very smooth and good. Good technique standing up, and good technique on the ground. And, that being said, I thought his opponent Franca was robbed and that Yves got a gift decision he did not deserve in any way, shape, or form.

                    Franca was always the aggressor, always went for (and often got) the takedowns, and he also had many finishing attempts on Yves. Yves was never in a position to finish, not one time, but was almost finished several times. I applaud Yves for getting out each time, but that is not how you BEAT a man on points ... it's supposed to be how he beats you on points, and that is putting you on defense, controlling the fight, and being in position to finish you.

                    Very bad judge's decision. Good as Yves looked, he lost soundly. He never dominated at any time, so how could he win?



                    • #11
                      Genki Sudo ROCKS!!!

                      I thought Franca (sp) should have won his fight,he got the takedowns & went
                      for more stuff.It was close though.

                      Chuck & Tito - Happy Days

                      Andrei Arlovski is one dangerous man.I'd like to see him vs Sylvia.

                      Diaz nice punch - tho' I thought he was gonna get k.o'd with his hands where they were.

                      Sims - Kyle good finish even if he did bite him...

                      Lyttle - Good job nice bloke, Tikki was gutted.

                      Not sure if I want to see Shamrock vs Kimo at 48.


                      • #12
                        I wonder why they still call it "Ultamite Fighting Championships"

                        There is no championship. In the original UFC not only were ther e no weight classes and judges decision, but it was a torunament fighting multiple time in a night to achive one overal victor.

                        So ppl feel the talent is better now that the original UFC but the what they are being asked to do is one fight, within the same weight class big difference.

                        I am also curious of teh skill level in the UFC it seems taht some ppl don't really have any real training, except for a 1yr of MMA (however you want to define it). Whereas the earilier versions the combatants were at least masters of there respective styles.

                        It is also feeling a bit WWE to me "bad blood feud" between Chuck "the Iceman"liddell and Titio "the overated" Ortiz

                        With all that said it was interesting that it turned into a striking game


                        • #13
                          I'm sorry, Franca should have won.

                          I can't see how anyone would have given Yves the nod. How do you win a fight backing up, getting taken down, being in repeated danger of getting submitted ... while you never once score a take down and never once achieve a dominant position where you can try a submission?

                          And what in the world is referee "Dalby Shirley" doing as a MMA ref? That was the vote that decided it. Only the strikes were looked at, and Yves didn't really do anything striking-wise. Again, Yves looked very competent and smooth, but he was always put in a position of using his skills to SURVIVE ... he was never in a position to win.



                          • #14
                            Pit Dog - Welcome back! Haven't seen you around here in a long time! I agree with your statements 100%.



                            • #15
                              Hey Tim;

                              Long time no chat

                              I just thought I'd stop by and see what was going on and thought I would comment on that fight, as if I remember right Yves used to train with you. He looked good and professional, but IMO he was just was not skilled enough at any one thing to dominate. They were about equal standing up, but Franca was clearly a master grappler down there with a guy who merely was trained in grappling.

                              As for the "old" Tito, it was the very same Tito. Tito is real mean when he can dominate, but he quit to F. Shamrock when he knew he couldn't win. And you could see right away that Tito was lost in that deal with Liddel. He knew he couldn't win, right from the get-go, and he was just "posing" with his hands up. And that was about it. I agree, he pretty much let the guy knock him out. A first-year striker learns to grab and hold ... but Tito just sat there covering his face.

                              Hey, anyone can get KOd ... however going down *swinging* is what happens to true fighters ... whereas going down just hiding behind your hands is something much different from that.

