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New zealand BJJ competition Sunday 09 May 2004

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  • Originally posted by wardancer
    I am intrigue with the Ground Control team.
    Where are they based?
    They came early in the morning (meaning outside Auckland) and all were JUDOGI instead of the usual BJJ GI.: very good fighters overall!
    Why thank you for noticing. GroundControl are my guys - there are a bunch of us that have dabbled in BJJ for a while from different backgrounds, Karate and Aikido in the main. We've only just recently turned it into something more formal, run by myself and another guy who is a blue under John Will. I am a white belt.

    I have trained with several other clubs in Auckland and enjoyed each one, but what I really wanted is to be a part of the Will/Machado system - the philosophy and style just suits me. Same with the other guy. So we made the decision to form our own organisation to cater to the guys we'd been rolling with. That comp was our first outing as GroundControl. Which is why Mark Corkhill who is from GroundControl actually had KRMA on his form mistakingly. That is the division we won gold and silver in <90kg. Both Mark and Andrew are our guys.

    So you see, you remarked that we had overall "very good fighters". I appreciate that, now understand, these guys are coached by a white belt and a blue belt. We don't pretend to be anything we're not and we have a good open mat culture. And it turns out our guys can foot it with others who train with black belts. So you might want to reconsider your stance that anyone who goes to a school not run by a black belt is attending a mcdojo.


    • Originally posted by wardancer
      What should I care to respond?
      Maybe you shouldnt but I simply replied to your post, so perhaps you could do me the same courtesy

      Originally posted by wardancer
      Like I said, do you guys actually do BJJ or just troll around NZ and the net?
      No mate I dont actually do BJJ but I would be more than happy to have a roll with you anytime. I am in Auckland so that should make it easy to jack up


      • [QUOTE=BJJNZ]Judo mats are from a club that uses the facility 1 night a week, we are in after the Kyokushin Karate school trains. Yes it's a fantastic facility.
        Aristeia can answer that better than I, but, they are Auckland based. They have only recently enbraced BJJ over all their other training, mainly Aikido. They have really only been training out of a garage (just like the early Gracie's did). SO their classes are only just picking up witht he new year. Also explains the Judo style Gi's.[/
        I used to do Kyohushin Karate, I like it more than Shotokan which I did after the Kyokushin instructor left overseas.
        For the gound countrol, I think they are Judo players with Judo Gi (the collar is so thick meaning hard to choke on compare to the usual Atama Gi).
        For the garage stuff, I think you are reffering to the DOJO on Epsom which belongs to the owner of the MA shop on Queen street.
        But I could be wrong.


        • Originally posted by wardancer
          Strike Force did participate but they are not a BJJ team and they will never be one.
          Someone better tell Pedro Fernandez(Brasillian BJJ black belt) that his class will never produce a BJJ team


          • Just had a look at the (readable) results that Geoff posted. Can anyone explain to me how they work out third place? For example, Under 90kg. Andrew beat 2 guys to get into the final - someone I think from Barra, and then another one of our guys Lee, to then go and face Mark in the final.
            Mark, only fought Serge. So I'm assuming Serge fought someone else and won Mark got a bye? Can you confirm that wardancer? Assuming that's the case, that leave Serge and Lee who won one fight and then lost the next. so surely they're third equal at the least?


            • Originally posted by wardancer
              For the gound countrol, I think they are Judo players with Judo Gi (the collar is so thick meaning hard to choke on compare to the usual Atama Gi).
              For the garage stuff, I think you are reffering to the DOJO on Epsom which belongs to the owner of the MA shop on Queen street.
              But I could be wrong.
              Nope not judo guys. Karate, Aikido and a few that have started with us and so only just done BJJ (but they're not very experienced in the main).

              The garage he's talking about is mine.


              • Originally posted by guardhater
                Someone better tell Pedro Fernandez(Brasillian BJJ black belt) that his class will never produce a BJJ team
                LOL, not I.


                • Also Judo gis have thinner collars than BJJ gis due to the regulations applied by IJF


                  • Originally posted by guardhater
                    Maybe you shouldnt but I simply replied to your post, so perhaps you could do me the same courtesy

                    No mate I dont actually do BJJ but I would be more than happy to have a roll with you anytime. I am in Auckland so that should make it easy to jack up
                    I am not getting confused!
                    You do not BJJ.
                    So what are you doing in this forum apart trolling for a flame war?


                    • wardancer i am also in Auckland and would be happy to role with you and show you what someone who does not train with a black belt can do. You should really bite your tongue and realise you made a huge mistake and apoligise for the attitude and disrespect you have show to everyone on this board.


                      • I never accused you of being confused.

                        No I dont do BJJ, and have only ever done one class but does that mean I cant contribute to this forum?
                        At least I am willing to put my money where my mouth is, when are you training next?
                        Or perhaps Douglas could throw us in a match on the next ETK show in May. I weigh in about 73 kgs, how about you?


                        • Originally posted by guardhater
                          Also Judo gis have thinner collars than BJJ gis due to the regulations applied by IJF
                          Not the collars I am talking about!
                          One dude even tried to come with GI without barely any sleeve a la Kyokushin I must say.


                          • Originally posted by wardancer
                            I am not getting confused!
                            You do not BJJ.
                            So what are you doing in this forum apart trolling for a flame war?
                            Dude seriously. Don't push this one. It just proves your ignorance.


                            • Originally posted by wardancer
                              I am not getting confused!
                              You do not BJJ.
                              So what are you doing in this forum apart trolling for a flame war?
                              Wardancer, both guardhater and Fumanchu are normally laid back, peaceable guys. The fact they both want to show you what they're capable of is a result of the disrespect they feel you given to people like Geoff. It takes alot to rile these guys up but you've managed it. And they are very good grapplers, under sub grappling, BJJ or MMA rules.


                              • Originally posted by wardancer
                                Not the collars I am talking about!
                                One dude even tried to come with GI without barely any sleeve a la Kyokushin I must say.
                                The reason Lee's sleeves were so short was that he was wearing his AIKIDO gi. Aikido works a lot of wrist grabs so many Aikido guys have their sleeves short to help people grab the wrist. I know because I was an instructor in it for many years, and Lee was one of my students (the first guy I took to black belt in fact). They were Aikido gis. It was his first comp, he'd just arrived back in auckland and had no idea of the rules or regs but jumped in anyway. And did well until he met another one of our guys.

