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Why are Combatives banned from the UFC?

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  • Why are Combatives banned from the UFC?

    I think everyone these days knows that Combatives have the edge in all out one on one fighting. Most military based systems are designed to end fights within seconds. If a good stylist of SCARS, SAFTA or Russian Martial Arts (The authentic stuff from Vlad not that other stuff) were to fight a UFC fighter he would most likely break their neck within the first few seconds. Im wondering why the rules are so anti these styles? No Head Butts, No kicking the man on the ground, no eye gouging, groin kicks etc, etc, etc.
    This means Reality fighting is not really reality at all, it is just a blend of wrestling and boxing with submissions. Sort of like a Draka match I guess.
    We all saw what John Hess did to Tuff Man champion Andy Anderson. so what if he eye gouged, he got the job done against the more experienced fighter.
    I think it sucks that SCARS and similar styles are discriminated against in the UFC.

  • #2
    Because if anyone tried to pull that fake ass SCARS crap in the ring or on the streets they would get their asses kicked, even by the likes of Fred Ettish.



    • #3
      SCARS...bahahahahaha...SCARS...Lets get alittle real now, what is SCARS really? Just some San Soo being taught by guys wearing black turtle-necks and crew cuts. Seriously most military personel get very little H2H combat training and most when it comes to the special warfare units train in H2H according to what and where there CO feels is needed. My Uncle a SEAL stationed in Hawaii a few years ago, studied Kenpo in his off time and that was it. My other Uncle, an army airborne ranger, didn't take any martial art other then some boxing basics and never had too and he went an fought both in Iraq and Panama. SCARS, SAFTA, and whatever else you want to throw in the mix is just like anyother martial art out there, it's all the way you train. As for SCARS I think they are behind the times, from the tape I saw they still punch from the hip after all!-ED


      • #4
        Edwin Lyon???

        How is the Brennan school???


        • #5
          Because if anyone tried to pull that fake ass SCARS crap in the ring or on the streets they would get their asses kicked, even by the likes of Fred Ettish.

          Fenris, that was one funny post!


          • #6

            I haven't had a chance to go in the last two weeks with work and my sister being in town. I am planning on being there tonight.-ED


            • #7
              The answer is simple. NHB is trying to be legalized. Kicking guys in the nuts or biting, or eye gouging will never be legalized anywhere.

              Also these tactics require no skill. Eye gouging, biting, nut grabbing are all tactics used by people with no skill. My old lady is quite talented in all these techniques and she has no black belt in anything.

              It is supposed to be a matchup between 2 different people who are proficient in various styles of martial arts. Not a life or death conflict.


              • #8
                Ironically, mellowing out the rules doesn't seem to be lessening the resentment of the governing officials. When you can win alot of votes by opposing a contraversial sporting event, politicians are all over it.

                I do, however, feel the UFC rules are becoming ridiculous.

                No kicking when a man is down? Oh, but you can KNOCK HIM OUT with an elbow when you're both standing.

                You can't kick a man while he's down, but you can DAMAGE HIS KNEES AND ANKLES by kicking them when he's up.

                Kicking on the Groud is a "no no", but cripple him with a heel hook....or damage his trachea with a choke hold.

                I guess all of THAT makes sense. Next on the agenda: promote and package a generic form of fighting to the general public. BOY that's exciting!

                Send all death threats to


                • #9
                  1234567890 do you believe all the hype you read in their ads...i mean c'mon...this man claims he beat multiple opponents in the jungle in less than 3 seconds.

                  I mean even if you sucker punch one guy, it will take you 2 seconds or 3...what about the other guys...he took i think about 3 or 4 guys out in 3 senconds...and who is lucky enought to sucker punch multiple oppoenents...that pure bull if you ask me...

                  so if you want to know why scars or whatever are not in UFC...its because they are scared to enter cos if they did, everyone would see that they're lying.


                  • #10
                    Ranger Stott anyone?

                    All others R.I.P.~!


                    • #11
                      I'll tell you the truth 6345789,

                      When I was a wee young lad of 14, I bought an "X-Tec" video. X-Tec was supposed to be the latest in scientific fighting technology, enabling you to destroy any attacker (regardless of size...sound familiar?) within a matter of seconds. The advertisements were quite impressive.....

                      "I beat a fifth degree black belt in Judo in eight seconds!"

                      "A seventh degree black belt in TKD would only fight me if I used kicks took a whole twelve seconds to beat HIM."

                      This was of course before the BJJ Revolution (though I saw the same advertisements claiming to destroy Gracie fighters years later) and I was struggling in the sport of Judo around this time. I HAD to get my hands on these videos.....and they were EXPENSIVE!

                      I eagerly mailed my money order for $199.00 (including shipping hand handling) and a few weeks later, I was shocked to discover what this whole scame was about:

                      I received two shoddy tapes, featuring a bald headed Barney Feiff (I kid you not) lookalike, who taught obscenely basic techniques, backing up his techniques with quotes from Sun Tzu. Ten minutes into the first tape, I realized that I just got ripped off. The "Complete and Illustrative" Manual that was supposed to come with the tape series was a flimsy paperback booklet that showed the "correct locations to strike"......I was fumed!....but I learned a valuable lesson:

                      IF IT SOUND TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.......GUESS WHAT?


                      • #12

                        The only instructional tapes I've ever paid for are Roy Harris' BJJ 101 tapes.

                        Which is not to say I've never been played for a fool...

                        But only by hot women. They own me.


                        • #13
                          At 14, and desperately looking for the "easy way out", it sounded pretty promising to the naive aspirations of a teenage mind.


                          • #14

                            Wasn't there a Navy Seal in UFC who really didn't do to well?

                            As for those guys being trained to kill, they are trained with guns and stuff.

                            And who the hell wants to see a guy lose his eyesight, his throat and his family jewels in a prize fight?


                            • #15
                              SAFTA..John Hess....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

                              I like what his SAFTA did against Vitor Belfort..

