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Why are Combatives banned from the UFC?

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  • #31
    Translation: Too deadly for the ring!


    • #32
      Originally posted by Danny Flucke
      The answer is very simple - MARKETING...

      With the rules in place -

      A fighter has a chance to develop a fan base -

      Who will buy merchandise.

      It really is that simple...

      Thanks, Danny
      Good day.

      Has anyone ever opened a big old can of WHUP... on you?

      Responding to that sucker punch after 6 years in a coma?

      What's the deal?


      • #33
        Originally posted by shen lao
        I think that before you can comment on the effectiveness of a system that you have to face a real life or death situation. Otherwise it is mere speculation. But this I do know, specwar peronell have to kill or be killed. Their reward is life, not fame or money.Before anyone can comment on Scars etc. go pick a fight with one of our specwar guys. Tip: bring a weapon.
        If you are unable to make any judgement on a particular style unless you have studied it and then been in a life and death situation then no one could ever make judgements on the bad styles as everyone who had trained in them then faced a life and death situation would be dead.

        Dont overrate the H2H training provided to the military. Most military units get very little or none (even elite units). While some individuals (and even some units) have a high level of training it is not from the military as stated by the other guys above, it is because they have taken it upon themselves to learn one of the styles you can also choose to study. Just because it could save someones life does not mean they are the best at it.

        Chuck Norris is not actually a green beret. He is an actor


        • #34
          Originally posted by treehugger
          The Russian martial art...

          I went to check this place out around 7-8 years ago. Vlad himself showed me around. He is a nice guy, but the system is a joke. He actually tried to show me how to properly absorb a gut punch by doing some sort of weird waving, undulating thing with the midsection to disipate the strike's power... I left feeling embarassed for him.
          So let me get this right, he tried to show you something, you didn't "get it" or "like it" and you left feeling embarassed for whome?


          • #35
            Just a comment on Hess...

            This guy in a an interview last year claimed he could be just about anyone on the planet. Then he made up about a million reasons why he quite right after the fight he won against Anderson and why he lost against Belfort.

            When he "beat" Andy Anderson, he did so with very little skill, but much effort. First of all, he cheated. This was NOT a street fight. If it was, then what he did worked fine for taking out ONE person.

            When I first saw this guy, my impression is that he looks like the oversized schoolyard bully jock football douchbag from back in the day, big fat baby face and all. But, looks are decieving, so I awaited his skills...

            Hess started the fight running toward Anderson like a maniac, swinging his arms like a baboon, ape, or ogre of some sort. Maybe 2 out of every 10 of his punches were focused. He eye goughed Anderson, who he outweighed and out heighted significantly...

            Anderson managed to get in some hits, with little effect because lack of reach (IMO), but he still managed to take Hess down. Being blinded and bludgeoned; out strengthed and out weighed by Hess, Hess managed to get out of it, and pounded Anderson.

            Hess broke his hand on Anderson. This tells me he has poor training in fist placement and method of striking. If your training for street/reality/military you better know how to strike barenuckle.

            Hess looked EXHAUSTED. On the street, if you can't take out one attacker without being able to go on, then your system is not useful IMO. Hess had a resting period and still wouldn't go on. True, he had a broken hand, but in UFC 1 the much skinnier, lighter, Savate guy (Gerrard Gordeu(sp?) I think) broke his hand and cut his foot, and continued on to be beaten by Gracie (I do Savate, and it's easy to get used to the gloves and shoes protecting your hands so you need to train without them seperately for the street situation).

            I'm not going to comment on SCARS or SAFTA because I don't think it's fair to have one person represent the entire system.

            I will say that some styles can only be judged on the street, not in the ring.

            That said, even if Hess didn't eye gough Anderson, he displayed no skill beyond being aggressive and swinging his arms.


            • #36
              ---- double posted by mistake ----


              • #37
                Originally posted by Mista-X
                When I first saw this guy, my impression is that he looks like the oversized schoolyard bully jock football douchbag from back in the day, .


                Well, that says a lot about you anyway...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by jubaji

                  Well, that says a lot about you anyway...
                  Yes, I know I shouldn't judge the man on his appearance, but it was the combination of that and his "Mr. Unbeatable" attitude.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 891477587
                    I think everyone these days knows that Combatives have the edge in all out one on one fighting. Most military based systems are designed to end fights within seconds. If a good stylist of SCARS, SAFTA or Russian Martial Arts (The authentic stuff from Vlad not that other stuff) were to fight a UFC fighter he would most likely break their neck within the first few seconds. Im wondering why the rules are so anti these styles? No Head Butts, No kicking the man on the ground, no eye gouging, groin kicks etc, etc, etc.
                    This means Reality fighting is not really reality at all, it is just a blend of wrestling and boxing with submissions. Sort of like a Draka match I guess.
                    We all saw what John Hess did to Tuff Man champion Andy Anderson. so what if he eye gouged, he got the job done against the more experienced fighter.
                    I think it sucks that SCARS and similar styles are discriminated against in the UFC.
                    It's a PRIZE fight, not life-or death. Many of those techniques can seriously injure. Sports are meant to be fun, not deadly. The UFC is trying to balance realism with SAFETY for it's athletes. Why not just take it all the way, you want realism, just hand both athletes a gun. Now that's realistic! Mixed martial arts is a SPORT, just like hockey, soccer, football. It's about beating the other guy, not permanently injuring him.

