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Why are Combatives banned from the UFC?

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  • #16
    I think Matt Thornton made a good point in his video...if you can't do it in sport, then you can't do it in "streetfighting". If you never practice getting to the guys face without having him punch at you, how can you know that you can gouge out his eyes?


    • #17
      Even though the original post must have been a troll, let's list all of the fighters trained primarily in "combatives" who have fought in the UFC. I believe Hess was the only person who won a fight, and we all know how he did against other fighters, such as Vitor.

      John Hess
      Ranger Stott
      Moti Horenstein
      Cal Worsham (tkd-trained marine, who later had more success after changing to bjj/submission grappling)

      Any others?


      • #18
        1. The HTH instruction that we are given in the military is very minimal.

        2. If you are reduced to using your hands and feet on a battle field you are in a world of hurt. If you don't belive me go visit Arlington National Cemetary sometime.

        3. There are guys in the military who are VERY good at HTH. However they DID NOT get their instruction at some 6 week military school. eg.Frank Cucci.

        4. In conclusion, anyone who claims to have a "military combat system" is more than likely full of s*&t.


        • #19
          Also, a lot of military training camps are adopting bjj/submission grappling these days.


          • #20
            penguinman- Frank is a Navy Seal, with a purple belt in bjj from Pedro Sauer. He has won the Pan Am's, Rickson's Tournie, for sure in the purple belt division. What do you mean he has no hand to hand skills? I am a little confused by your remark.


            • #21
              Ground Control:

              He meant that Frank Cucci has studied HtoH extensively OUTSIDE of the military, not that he couldn't fight.



              • #22
                The answer is very simple - MARKETING...

                With the rules in place -

                A fighter has a chance to develop a fan base -

                Who will buy merchandise.

                It really is that simple...

                Thanks, Danny


                • #23
                  Who do you think you are addressing with this message to the past?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by jubaji
                    Who do you think you are addressing with this message to the past?
                    The ghost of Christmas past?


                    • #25
                      How do you like those Roy Harris DVDs?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Penance
                        How do you like those Roy Harris DVDs?
                        Allmost as much as I like the Jenna Jameson....err...I mean, Roy Harris = good.

                        Dude, I don't have any RH videos...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Ronin
                          The only instructional tapes I've ever paid for are Roy Harris' BJJ 101 tapes.

                          Which is not to say I've never been played for a fool...

                          But only by hot women. They own me.
                          It's not all about YOU Tom!!! haha


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Penance
                            It's not all about YOU Tom!!! haha
                            You're right Penese, it was the last response so I was puzzled. Sorry.


                            • #29
                              The Russian martial art...

                              I went to check this place out around 7-8 years ago. Vlad himself showed me around. He is a nice guy, but the system is a joke. He actually tried to show me how to properly absorb a gut punch by doing some sort of weird waving, undulating thing with the midsection to disipate the strike's power... I left feeling embarassed for him.


                              • #30
                                I think that before you can comment on the effectiveness of a system that you have to face a real life or death situation. Otherwise it is mere speculation. But this I do know, specwar peronell have to kill or be killed. Their reward is life, not fame or money.Before anyone can comment on Scars etc. go pick a fight with one of our specwar guys. Tip: bring a weapon.

