Just wondering what everyone thought of that or if yall caught it in magazine grappler. I'm new to the game but its got my full atention but I can't start for about 5 months due to military reasons so I've been reading everything I can get my hands on. Shamrock is dissin Royce pretty bad saying he would never last in this day and age and thats why he left the UFC. Was wondering what yall though about that?
No announcement yet.
Shamrock dissin Royce?
Shamrocks been doing that for a while. But the funny things is that he never replies to Royce challenge even after the trash talk. Not only about Royce but about BJJ as well saying it overated and junk. Right now he is using his little brother Frank to emberass the Gracie family in a match. So Frank chose to pick on Cesar Gracie who has never had a pro vale tudo match. Cesar went ahead and signed a contract but I guess Frank realized that Cesar must know something due to the fact he has a incredible team. So know Frank will not even fight him.
When it comes to pro-fighting Shamrock is the biggest hore there is. He would diss his own mother if someone paid him enough. If they fought again Royce would beat him again. Shamrock is a loud mouth pro wrestler with average MMA skills.
Yeah, well the referee didn't see him tap to Royce...
I don't know why the UFC felt it necessary to make Shamrock into such a UFC hero. He never earned the right to fight in a superfight, never even fought in the finals of a tournament (that's all there was in the early days), and his comeback hasn't been anything special. I actually don't even think he would beat Yoshida in a fight.
He also didn't describe UFC III very accurately. After his fight with Felix Mitchell he had to be carried from the ring, he couldn't walk. And he didn't come back to fight that night. But in his book Inside the Lion's Den, it says that he was fine and that he was ready to fight Royce in the next round. They claim he didn't fight because it wasn't Royce. If he did that why would the UFC invite him back over and over? And they invited him back for Superfights that he didn't even earn, mind you. The way I saw it, he was really hurt after fighting Mitchell as shown by him being half carried out of the Octagon and that's why he couldn't continue. Why didn't he come back for UFC IV?
I think Ken is angry with Royce for publicly rooting against him when he fought Frye and Tito, and afterwards Royce said he wasn't surprised that Ken lost those fights.
Actually, it seems like Frank is cool when he talks about Ken. Ken is the one who turned away from Frank when he went to train with Maurice Smith. I think Smith helped him a lot more than the Lion's Den would have.
I think Ken should fight Rickson instead. That wouldn't be a snoozefest and I think Rickson would tap him in under 15 minutes. And I'm not the biggest Rickson fan, I just see that as a bad matchup for Ken because Rickson's brute strength is not that much less than Ken's, whereas Royce is physically a much weaker guy than Ken. Rickson is also a better puncher and much more aggressive from advantageous positions than Royce.
Shamrock has two hats on at the same time - 1. He's a competitor and loves the fight game. He also knows (factually might I add) that he is one of the top draws in MMA. 2. He's a businessman and realizes that the squeaky wheel always gets the grease ($$$, just like Tito) and by talking smack, it builds up hype, which increases buy rates, which translates into more leverage during contract talks - whether you hate him or like him, you either want to see him win or get another beatdown. He knows that he is in the twilight of his career and he's only doing what any smart person would do and that is get PAID - and calling out Royce and getting the chance to actually fight him would be one of the biggest paydays for both.
1) this is a very pro-gracie/pro-BJJ board so most of the replies yer gonna get are very biased.
2) yes ken talks alot of shit but so does gracie. the diffrence is in their respective comebacks ken has fought more often and against better competition.
3) as some one mentioned "the funny things is that he never replies to Royce challenge even after the trash talk." what they fail to tell you is that gracie wanted ken to drop to 175lbs. for someone who fights at 215lbs. shredded like ken does what do you think this would do to their health even if they were able to get to 175lbs.??
4) frank & ken are not on the best of terms so to bring up frank's "potential" fight with ceasar is stupid.
5) "We all saw him tap to Royce." yes and we all also saw royce all but have to be carried outta the ring in the 2nd fight.
6) frank & ken's falling out had nothing to do with frank training with maurice (maurice actually went to train with the den alot in the early days). it had to do with frank going behind ken's back and dealing with the UFC.
7) ronson is correct.
8) in my personal opinion they need to fight a 3rd time. and i believe ken would win easily this time. royce can't take ken down. riyce can't trade strikes with ken (and expect to stay upright). and ken has improved vastly since the early days. royce won't tap ken again.
Royce also offered to fight Shamrock even if he stayed his own weight. Never even heard about the weight thing you probaly are thinking of someone else.But todays mma shows have weight classes. I doubt Shamrock could beat Royce. Kimo is not exactly on the level of Sakuraba and Yoshida. I haven't heard any trash talked by Royce. In the interviews all he says regarding Shamrocks comments is "I will fight him if he wants too"
the wieght issue was brought up when talks of a 3rd fight were brought up after their 2nd went to a draw. and royce has said some disparaging remarks on a certain other forum.
sakuraba is royce's only legitimate opponent and he lost that one. yoshida is only a legitimate fighter when it suits the gracie nutriders puposes. other than that you all bitch about him being a cheater and a joke. you can compare opponents all you want but at least ken puts it on the line and never asks for modified rules. in the end both their times are done but a healthy ken is still a threat to anyone in the game. a healthy royce is neutralized by anyone with a decent sprawl and the ability to strike. ken will never be a top 10 fighter again but he fights against tough competition without "requesting" special rules that favour himself. for that he has my respect.
more than anything else it's that ken is into his 40's now. and yes everyone points to couture, but randy is the exception. ken has grown immensly as a fighter. he's better in all aspects of the game than he was 10 years ago. he's healthy again for the first time in a long time. but unfortunately no one can beat father time. in the end he gets all of us.
Here is Yoshida's record
Win Mark Hunt Submission (Armbar) PRIDE-Critical Countdown 2004 6/20/2004
Draw Royce Gracie Draw PRIDE-Shockwave 2003 12/31/2003
Loss Wanderlei Silva Decision (Unanimous) PRIDE-Final Conflict 11/9/2003
Win Kiyoshi Tamura Submission (Ezekiel Choke) PRIDE-Total Elimination 2003 8/10/2003
Win Masaaki Satake Submission (Neck Lock) Inoki Bom-Ba-Ye 2002-K-1 vs. Inoki 12/31/2002
Win Don Frye Technical Submission (Armbar) PRIDE 23-Championship Chaos 2 11/24/2002
Now tell me that those are not impressive victories. Yoshida was able to fight Silva to a decision and has gotten closest to beating Silva in a while. Besides Yoshida being a legend in the judo world. I do not see where your anti gracie thing comes from. Claiming Yoshida is medicore and not to mention he fought sakuraba for 90 minutes and was ahead on the score cards. Sakuraba beat Randleman easier than he beat Royce. Shamrock is not exactly the best and Kimo does not match up to Yoshida.
Tamura, Hunt, & Satake aren't exactly top tier fighters. Frye is widely rumoured to be a work. and silva hasn't been tested in a long time. just cuz you can't KO someone doesn't mean they should be in the ring with you.
as for sak/royce....
1) royce was not leading on the score cards as their were none cuz gracie insisted on "no time limit" rules. (see my above complaint about special rules)
2) watch the fight again..... yes the fight was long and drawn out but sak spent alot of time playing with gracie.
oh and just one more thing..... i am a judoka. yoshida is far from being a ledgend. just cuz you win a gold medal at the olympics doen't automatically make you a ledgend.