There has been a lot of talk about what is the best base for mma so I made my top 3. Remeber this is an opinion that I made from my experience and others. What you probaly will notice is that my top 3 arts are mainly grappling systems with basic striking. I have that because I believe a grappling base is the best to start. Depending at what level of mma you are competing you will probaly at least need a purple belt BJJ level of knowledge. It is easier to add striking to that grappling base then it is to learn striking and then having to train a few years to get to the purple belt level. Here is my top 3 in no particular order.
1. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
Fighters with a BJJ base continue to be one of the most effective fighters. Of course the school you go to matters as well. If the school only practices the sport aspect of BJJ you will have to make more adjustments. But if you go to a school that emphasizes the vale tudo aspect then you will have an easier time. For example Reylson Gracie emphasizes self defense and vt. His son Rodrigo can strike better than most of the Gracies despite having trained striking for a less amount of time because his Father emphasized the vale tudo aspect.
In the early days judo did not have much reprensantation or recognition in mma. But now players like Ogawa, Oyama(He probaly would do better against lower level fighters but he has a bad record because he always fights big naems) and Yoshida are showing just how effective judo can be. Yoshida has gotten closer to beating Silva than anyone has for a while. If you go to a school that practices the old style of judo than you should have better knowledge of ne waza and striking. I actually saw Karo Parisyan using a atemi looking strike in one of his matches. Gene Lebell and Gokor have been producing good judo fighters for mma and we have not seen the last of them.
In the earlier days Oleg was pretty much the only Sambo represenative and he did a good job of representing it. Besides his plain touphness.(He one time had his ankle broken by a submssion in a sambo match and he didn't tap somehow hobbled up and knocked his opponent out with O-soto-gari) Nowadays the Russian Top Team has produced fierce Sambo fighters like Fedor. His positioning skill is tremendous allowing him to deliver brutal strikes on the ground.
Now most people will ask "What about wrestling?" I have considered wrestling but I found these arts better and here is why.
1. No submssions. To be successful someone has to know how to use and defend subs. Although a wrestler could easily adapt it to his game it is not part of the art.
2.Lack of positions. A lot of time in mma matches are spent in the guard. Wrestling does not have the guard and would not be able to deal with sweeps, subs and other things that are not part of the art.
3.Lack of a combative aspect. All the arts above have the sportive aspect, but they also have the combative aspect which includes how to defend against strikes and how to use them as well as how to close the distance. Wrestling does not have strikes and does not have a combative aspect.
4. This does not mean wrestling is useless. I just find the arts above are better but a wrestlers take downs are a improtant asset and once a wrestler learns subs and how to use and defend strikes they will be a dangerous opponent. Just take a look at Kerr.
Best supplements to the base.
1.Muay thai
Does not take long to learn the basics and it works. Need to know anything else?
2. Boxing
Same as muay thai.
Remeber this is all my opinion so don't flame me. I would like to hear everyones opinions though.
1. Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
Fighters with a BJJ base continue to be one of the most effective fighters. Of course the school you go to matters as well. If the school only practices the sport aspect of BJJ you will have to make more adjustments. But if you go to a school that emphasizes the vale tudo aspect then you will have an easier time. For example Reylson Gracie emphasizes self defense and vt. His son Rodrigo can strike better than most of the Gracies despite having trained striking for a less amount of time because his Father emphasized the vale tudo aspect.
In the early days judo did not have much reprensantation or recognition in mma. But now players like Ogawa, Oyama(He probaly would do better against lower level fighters but he has a bad record because he always fights big naems) and Yoshida are showing just how effective judo can be. Yoshida has gotten closer to beating Silva than anyone has for a while. If you go to a school that practices the old style of judo than you should have better knowledge of ne waza and striking. I actually saw Karo Parisyan using a atemi looking strike in one of his matches. Gene Lebell and Gokor have been producing good judo fighters for mma and we have not seen the last of them.
In the earlier days Oleg was pretty much the only Sambo represenative and he did a good job of representing it. Besides his plain touphness.(He one time had his ankle broken by a submssion in a sambo match and he didn't tap somehow hobbled up and knocked his opponent out with O-soto-gari) Nowadays the Russian Top Team has produced fierce Sambo fighters like Fedor. His positioning skill is tremendous allowing him to deliver brutal strikes on the ground.
Now most people will ask "What about wrestling?" I have considered wrestling but I found these arts better and here is why.
1. No submssions. To be successful someone has to know how to use and defend subs. Although a wrestler could easily adapt it to his game it is not part of the art.
2.Lack of positions. A lot of time in mma matches are spent in the guard. Wrestling does not have the guard and would not be able to deal with sweeps, subs and other things that are not part of the art.
3.Lack of a combative aspect. All the arts above have the sportive aspect, but they also have the combative aspect which includes how to defend against strikes and how to use them as well as how to close the distance. Wrestling does not have strikes and does not have a combative aspect.
4. This does not mean wrestling is useless. I just find the arts above are better but a wrestlers take downs are a improtant asset and once a wrestler learns subs and how to use and defend strikes they will be a dangerous opponent. Just take a look at Kerr.
Best supplements to the base.
1.Muay thai
Does not take long to learn the basics and it works. Need to know anything else?
2. Boxing
Same as muay thai.
Remeber this is all my opinion so don't flame me. I would like to hear everyones opinions though.