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Female Fighter needs sponsorship

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  • Female Fighter needs sponsorship


    My name is Molly Helsel. I am a 26 year-old female no-holds-barred (NHB) fighter living in Honolulu, Hawaii. I train with Jeet Kune Do Unlimited and fighting is my passion in life. Unfortunately, it has been very difficult for me to find fights here in the state of Hawaii. Fortunately, I have been given the opportunity to fight in the premier female NHB event in the world on November 6, 2004 in Evansville Indiana, under the stipulation that I pay my own travel. Being invited to be on a card like this is like going from high school football to the Superbowl for me.

    I am looking for sponsors to help me pay for my travel. Benefits of sponsorship include endorsement in any magazine or DVD interviews I may have and wearing of your logo to any fights or weigh in's I attend. I will be sure to mention your name every chance I get, including when posting on the various mixed martial arts Internet forums. I want to make your sponsorship an investment rather than just a handout.

    Any help you can give to reach this lifelong dream of mine will be greatly appreciated, and I will do my very best to promote your business. Please contact me at or Donations can be mailed to:
    Molly Helsel c/o
    Jeet Kune Do Unlimited
    4224 Waialae Avenue, #5-128
    Honolulu, HI 96816

    Mahalo in advance for any help you can provide. I promise to conduct myself with the heart, class, and character that the world has come to expect from Hawaii fighters.

  • #2
    ttt ttt ttt ttt


    • #3
      Yeah yeah yeah.... I live in the paradise that is Hawaii, but send me money anyway so I can indulge my hobby.

      Get a job.


      • #4
        Two words:

        Need pics.


        • #5
          Jeet Kune Do Unlimited is not willing to sponsor their own student?


          • #6
            Thai Bri - It's more than a hobby for me hunny. Maybe you'd like to save me the trip money and come to Hawaii and fight? I do have a job. 2 of them in fact, and I go to school full time. There's a price to pay for living in Paradise.

            Jared - be glad to provide pictures to those that are willing to sponsor me.

            QC - JKDU does sponsor me to a certain extent. They have already done so much for me, but this is something I need outside help for.


            • #7
              Quiet Cool, how many schools do you think pay for their students travel expenses for them to go and fight?

              Theirs not much of a return on sponsoring an amateur fighter fighting in - IN when the school is located in HI


              • #8
                That's not it at all. JKDU is not a competition school, and they are going out of their way to help me pursue this. An event like this gets lots of exposure. As a matter of fact, the DVD of the last event "Revolution" returned more sales than any one fight DVD (Pride and UFC included) ever. Exposure from either side is not the issue, there will be plenty of it. BTW - This is pro. The talent pool is so small, most women are pro after their first fight.


                • #9
                  Need sponsorship -

                  Hi everyone. Im Thai Bri. I live in the shitty end of Northern England, and have been invited to Hawaii for a roll around with a pacific beauty. She does pics to if you pay enough. Basically I can afford to pay myself for the woman (she sounds pretty cheap). I can also afford the flight. But can anyone pay my medical insurance? I mean, who knows what I might catch?


                  • #10
                    Hi Molly, I hope you are well. You won't recognise my screen name here but you & I had some fun with that awful 'warriorwoman' on the 'FT' site (I know you as 'Sage').
                    I know that you are a very dedicated person and I am sure you have heart, I would love to help you but I am not in the best of circumstances at the moment. but this might change in the not too distant future.
                    I sincerely hope you find funding and that you do well. I also think that you show some real heart coming onto a public forum and asking like this.

                    Take good care of yourself and let me know how you progress in your fight career, email me sometime with results or press or pics of your victories to come, on this address

                    for those twats above with your sad attitudes, this Molly girl is a genuine and very good hearted person, so shove it faggots. I bet she could tap the lot of your lame arses out any day of the week.


                    • #11

                      I would post this question in the underground forum on I have seen quite a few posts on the same subject and there seem to be a lot of clothing and gear guys who respond.

                      Good Luck,


                      • #12
                        I would sponsor you, but I have no product to promote. Still wouldn't mind seeing your pics though


                        • #13
                          OK well I found the pic

                          *edit* Okay I am gonna delete the link to the pic b/c I never really got the permission to show your picture on the main forum.


                          • #14
                            hey Molly,

                            i agree with 'dalessit'
                            you would be better off or at least get some worthwhile replies over at
                            you're best bet are the MMA clothing/equipment/news companies - HCK (sponsors a women's jj team), Atama, Cassca-Grossa, Sprawl Shorts, Full Contact Fighter magazine, On the Mat, Vitamins & Minerals, etc

                            you might also look into some local businesses that have some rapport with either JKDU or even the College you attend.

                            best of luck!


                            • #15
                              Best of luck, Molly!

