how do most gangsters fight and what martial art would be good to win against them?
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seriously though most urban gangsters would do something along the lines of boxing type punching(or just plain slugging) just plain with other random things like tackles and stomping on the ground. im not being racist or anything im just telling it like it usually is. I dont mean black people, i just have seen alot of fights with druggies and gangster wannabes and they did stuff like that.
Originally posted by shiraseseriously though most urban gangsters would do something along the lines of boxing type punching(or just plain slugging) just plain with other random things like tackles and stomping on the ground. im not being racist or anything im just telling it like it usually is. I dont mean black people, i just have seen alot of fights with druggies and gangster wannabes and they did stuff like that.
"actually, most "gangsters" would most likely shoot u or stab u."
yes they most definitely would. Im just saying that if they do fistfight they often(definitely not always) do some of the things I mentioned. I dont necesarily mean people who deal drugs and do drive bys anyways, there are types of gangsters who just use the image. I guess they are "wankstas" like 50 cent says
kid you've never fought a streetfight in your life have you?
Stop looking at videos and thinking it's the real world because REAL "gangstaz" will rarely be alone and even if you manage to win I would recommend moving out of that state unless u have a death wish
EDIT:spelling mistake
as far as real life modern day gangsters go, I have known a number of them in London and I can honestly say that truth be told they are all to some extent a bit cowardly on the rare occasion that they are alone and not backed up. Either way, as far as generalising about how they would fight, they use weapons 100% and if unarmed then they use their car or 4x4 to run you over.
In Sth East London there are still gangs that will drug someone up with a needle (usually amphetimines for keeping you awake) and then take them back to a lock up or garage where various instruments of torture are then used.
The only answer for the thread host is, not one martial art will help in the slightest if you are invloved or dumb enough to cross the wrong type of scumbag, your toast, simple as that.
ditching the burning cross your carrying and that menacing white sheet might be a good idea you don' trip on it.
Ah...I'm going to hell aren't I?
seriously though...I usually try to treat people with respect...but, buddy, get a clue.
Originally Posted by StealthMode
how do most gangsters/black people fight and what martial art would be good to win against them?
ha ha ha
Hmmm, well I have no experience with gangsters whatsoever, but I'd think they would be like in "GoodFellas" or "Boyz 'N The Hood," like in Goodfellas where Joe Pesci takes the knife and stabs the guy in the trunk like 10 times, and it takes the rival gang some years, but they eventually get him back by shooting him in the face.
Or like in "Boyz 'N The Hood," where that one gangster wannabe guy just shoots the one kid, and then Ice Cube goes and shoots him.
Or like in "Scarface," where the drug deal goes bad and the one guy gets chainsawed in the back of the head.
I'd say martial arts are worthless, cuz also look at "Training Day," which was about where Denzel Washinton's character went psycho on some gangster guy of the Russian Mafia and beat the living crap out of him, and he had to come up with money, cuz the gang had a team on standby to shoot the hell out of him, which they do in the end.
I would never mess with a gang, they will beat the crap out of you, I'd think they would do stuff like pull your teeth out, and such, and yeah, I believe they'd drug you, then wake you up in some garage somewhere and do that kind of bad stuff to you.
Dunno if it is true or not, also in that movie "The Fast and the Furious," or is it "The Faster and the Furious??" I dunno, one of them, but there's that scene where the one gangster guy takes the fat cop and puts him on his back, then puts a rat over his bare belly, and covers it with a bucket. Then he says, "A rat can chew through a steal drainpipe. When this bucket gets too hot," (points a blowtorch at it), the at will only have one way to go, which is down...." i.e. eat through the guy, then he says something to the effect that if he doesn't stay away, his rat will not onyl see his stomach, but also that of his wife and child.
Now those movies I considered kind of silly (The Fast and the Furious ones) but still, I wouldn't put it past gangsters to do that kind of stuff.
If you wanna be a gangster, go play the Grand Theft Auto games. Even if you did beat up a gang of gangsters, at some point, if it was a big gang, they'd come back and get you somehow, I'd think.
Chinese gangsters I think practice martial arts in the traditional sense though.
But I do really hope you were joking to see how the forum would respond.