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Biggest MA dumbass of the Netherlands

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  • Biggest MA dumbass of the Netherlands

    Hi Guys
    Below a link where you will find a little clip of a Dutch moron who thinks he is tha bomb

    He trained 2 years in Judo, reached yellow belt, he trained 6 months in Shotokan Karate and 7 in Pentjak Silat( indon.)

    After that he claims he was adding to those arts and now claims 12 years of experience
    He is looking for students

    Also he claims his defence is inpenetrable ( the first person to go to him gave him a black eye with his first hit and maybe broke his 2 of his fingers with another

    I actually want to nominate this guy for dumbass of the world

    In one forum they have made him think they are interested in his training and aranged for 10 or more people to go to him for a trialtraining in which he will probably demonstrate his invinceble kneeraising block

    At first he was saying that people that didn't believe him could spar with him but only Full Contact, now he doesn't want to spar anymore

    He is the laughingstock of the dutch MA-scene

  • #2
    Must be catching over in Holland mate, as there is no link!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Thai Bri
      Must be catching over in Holland mate, as there is no link!



      • #4
        MAn it happened twice, I must have been interrupted by actually having to work

        here it is


        • #5
          Toudiyama[NL] - that was just sad but I think this link is a clear answer to teh question "why are belts/ranking important"

          Interesting that the majority of his experience is in Judo but showed no techniques.

          Was this shot in an apartment or a doctor's office I saw the old guy in the picture sitting on the couch....maybe that was his sparring partner


          • #6
            good; but not 22:1 good

            I got it.

            Send Sherwinc after him. Surely he cannot defeat Sherwinc's 22:1 ratio.


            • #7
              OK, now I actually saw the clip. This has to be a joke.
              This guy is nerd incarnate. Not only that, but later on in the video you see his dad sitting on the couch. This guy still lives with his parents? he has his pants up to his shoulders. And he has awefull balance, really telegraphs his moves. He looks more like a child-molester, than a fearsome warrior.

              This is a perfect example of the false sense of security some martial art schools teach.

              A true master knows never to boast. 10 seconds of claiming invincibility can lead to a lifetime of dishonor.


              • #8
                He is intend on opening a Dojo even though people advice him to take lessons instead

                He claims to have tested agains Karate, TKD, kickboxing ( dutch style) and Pentjak Silat, what he probably means is he let his pal with no experience at all in the above arts attack in what they think is a technique from that art

                The guy also thinks he could defeat the dog brothers fighting with his 1.20 m stick

                I like to ask all of you to post the link on other forums to, so we can make him the biggest MA dumbass of the world

                He now even claims he has alreaddy been teaching in off all places Vietnam

                He will be giving a "seminar" to a grouup of guys from most of which MMA, MT or kyokushin, he thinks these guys are serious ( they made a meeting out of it, he is just the entertainment


                • #9
                  Originally posted by HtTKar
                  This is a perfect example of the false sense of security some martial art schools teach.
                  Well, seeing his training is long ago and not even that long, I think his comes from the movies rather than from a school


                  • #10

                    Wow. That clip almost made me buy a ticket to the Netherlands to challenge him to a death match. Then after I defeat him I will take his place as the greatest in the world.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Toudiyama[NL]
                      Well, seeing his training is long ago and not even that long, I think his comes from the movies rather than from a school
                      He needs his olliebollen kicked....jj.

                      Well, out of all honesty I'm only a recreational fighter meself; but this guy is out of touch!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Tom Yum
                        He needs his olliebollen kicked....jj.

                        Well, out of all honesty I'm only a recreational fighter meself; but this guy is out of touch!
                        That is a bit of an understatement

                        He even claims power of telekynesis through mediation


                        • #13
                          The powerfully clueless!

                          It looks like the only thing this guy has mastered is self dillusion! It's a real shame that in a country with some very talented martial artists, this guy is getting the publicity (at his own expense). Were those supposed to be cresent kicks in the beginning of that clip? Everyone starts in MA at that level (or a little bit better balanced) but to learn beginning techniques and be horrible at them, then claim yourself a grandmaster is completely rediculus. Someone in that part of the world should take it upon themselves to train him. My suggestion is that the first lesson should be humility.
                          Does anyone know what those hand techniques were supposed to be? It looks like he finally mastered something, the fast forward feature on his camera!


                          • #14
                            I suspect him to have a slight version of downsyndrom, look at his face, look at the trousers

                            on the dutch forums there is already someone who copied Ray in his own clip to ridicule him

                            They call him upper Guru now and he thinks they are serious

                            For those who understand a little Dutch ( like Tom Yum) can take a look on or or


                            • #15
                              Yeah-I seen hi pics on another forum-does he have a website?

