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1 on 1 street fight clips

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  • 1 on 1 street fight clips

    (hints of some wrestling background - the smaller kid with hair gets a good reversal near the end)

    Things 2 look for:

    any speed or power?
    awareness of openings?
    level of grappling skill?

  • #2
    The first clip was interesting, once the kid with the hair got his guard up he finally managed to block some punches.

    If they weren't so afraid of being hit and stopped flinching, then things would have been much better overall.


    • #3
      Yeah, but most people are afraid of being hit.
      Even the "Tough Guys" are afraid of getting popped...Too much windmilling and not enough awareness.


      • #4
        In terms of missing opportunities, I think you could point something, if no numerous, out in every single frame if you took stills of practically every second. If the smaller one especially simply stepped in (with the way the shirtless dude was swinging, he would have probably nicked nothing in the process), and maybe had thrown an elbow, headbutt, or whatever close-quarter tool there's a good chance it would have changed the momentum tenfold.

        Look at the number of shots that actually connect to a area of the body that matters. None, or very close to none, as in maybe one. Most streetfights of the nature as seen in this clip stay in punching range usually because of the gross lack of knowledge of other tools. Several times or more they were in close-quarters/clinch range, where the most damage in the least amount of time could probably be done with given factors. Yet everytime, it's just a lock or they push each other away.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Memnoch1207
          Yeah, but most people are afraid of being hit.
          Even the "Tough Guys" are afraid of getting popped...Too much windmilling and not enough awareness.
          I would say that a street guy like Kimbo is not afraid of getting hit and demonstrates some textbook fundamentals of boxing; he keeps his hands up & legs springy slightly bent, can parry, can bob & weave and throws punches with good technique and his weight behind them. It helps that he's really strong too.


          • #6
            Originally posted by NYCMonkey
            In terms of missing opportunities, I think you could point something, if no numerous, out in every single frame if you took stills of practically every second. If the smaller one especially simply stepped in (with the way the shirtless dude was swinging, he would have probably nicked nothing in the process), and maybe had thrown an elbow, headbutt, or whatever close-quarter tool there's a good chance it would have changed the momentum tenfold.

            Look at the number of shots that actually connect to a area of the body that matters. None, or very close to none, as in maybe one. Most streetfights of the nature as seen in this clip stay in punching range usually because of the gross lack of knowledge of other tools. Several times or more they were in close-quarters/clinch range, where the most damage in the least amount of time could probably be done with given factors. Yet everytime, it's just a lock or they push each other away.
            The instinctive urgency of hitting the other guy with anything, even windmills and haymakers is obvious; if these guys learned to throw a proper punch under pressure, the fights would have ended faster. Agreed, no one hit the body and if they did, considering their technique, it wouldn't have done much - that's why they head hunt because they can do some facial damage.

            Defense was next to none, except holding their arms out passively blocking or moving back.

            No kicking or attempt to mix it up with punching. No knees, elbows or butts. The grappling was pretty crude.

            These guys had the gonads to step up though and the heart to continue.


            • #7
              cool links Tom

              I guess this is the Kimbo Syndrome? All sorts of kids taping backyard brawls?


              • #8
                Interesting, I like to see clips like this. It gives you a glimps of how the average "Joe" usually fights.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Tom Yum
                  These guys had the gonads to step up though and the heart to continue.
                  I beg to differ with that statement. It was to save face and about ego, they're not gladiators. Just 2 (probably) drunken, testosterone-frenzied males going at it with no skill or smarts.

                  Oh, as for hitting the area of the body, I guess I pretty much meant the facial area. Even so, nothing really connects at any point. However, from the way these two were going at it, and judging from similiar clips, a strong kick at the proper time (they were at the range for it several times) could have easily gotten one of them on the floor, or at least enough for the other to go in and finish it.


                  • #10
                    That WAS a pretty nice reversal... right into side mount.


                    • #11
                      any speed or power? NO
                      defense? NO
                      mobility/balance? NO
                      technique? NO
                      awareness of openings? NO
                      level of grappling skill? N/A


                      really though these guys would do better just working on hitting. They are throwing looping puches by trying to use their shoulders instead of their bodyweight..punching from the whirl; their bodyweight is moving in a different direction than their fists. They end up hitting each other with their thumbs instead of their knuckles. I dont think this is the average joe fighter. These guys are pretty sloppy.


                      • #12
                        I just think for everyone cutting all these people up... no offense but you can preach all you want about using the body in punches... no looping punches.. no grappling technique and all that.. but when someone is trying to punch you in the face.. how many of you would think about all the things youve mentioned... in the frenzy of a fight im sure a lot of you would lose 90% of waht you taught.. the ten percent you remember could be the difference... but i would say alot of it goes away. Just htink about that before saying how bad these guys are.


                        • #13
                          Thinking in a fight, slows down reaction time, because you are thinking about what might happen or what defense you are going to use...Fighting should be a reaction to the other persons movements.

                          Train until your defenses and attacks are reactionary.
                          The more you think, the more chance you have of leaving yourself open.

                          This is why it is important to learn a style that believes in "Alive" training.


                          • #14
                            Please, guys...

                            Two teens or college freshmen going at it. If you've never been in a fight like this in your life you've missed something. It's not that big of a deal.

                            Anyone with as little as a month of BJJ could have ended that in probably the first 30 seconds.

                            "Big Scawie Streetfight!"


                            • #15
                              yeah, anyone with some basic striking and grappling skills, would have done well in those situations. in the 1st video, the red head kid obviously didnt have any experience vs a taller opponent and let it dominate him physically and mentally.

